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You say, you think, All girls. Round 1
In this game, you give your impression of each name. Then give it an overall rating. In the end I'll round up the results from all the rounds, and we'll have a best-of-the-best round. Only one name will emerge victorious! (okay, that last line was kinda hokey, but I just had to say it!)Be brutal. Say (or think) what you really would.This is my daughter: Estrella Felicity
You say:
You think:This is my daughter: Eowyn Pandora
You say:
You think:This is my daughter: Aria Sardonyx
You say:
You think:This is my daughter: Pandora Allure
You say:
You think:This is my daughter: Saoirse Avalon
You say:
You think:This is my daughter: Calypso Fae
You say:
You think:This is my daughter: Nova Amethyst
You say:
You think:
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This is my daughter: Estrella Felicity
You say: Can I call you Stella?
You think: What's that R doing in there? 7/10This is my daughter: Eowyn Pandora
You say: Hi, Eowyn!
You think: Eowyn = good namesake, Pandora = bad. At least she can just be Eowyn P Lastname in everyday life. 6/10This is my daughter: Aria Sardonyx
You say: Hi, Aria!
You think: Aria is okay - just . . . Sardonyx - I don't care if it's a precious stone, all people will hear is 'sardonic'. 4/10This is my daughter: Pandora Allure
You say: Hi, Pandora!
You think: Pandora is still awful. Allure is worse. 0/10This is my daughter: Saoirse Avalon
You say: Hi, Saoirse!
You think: Someone's having romantic daydreams about their Celtic roots. 3/10This is my daughter: Calypso Fae
You say: Can I call you Callie?
You think: I kind of like Calypso, but the hippie/trendy Fae removes what goodwill there is. Poor child. 4/10This is my daughter: Nova Amethyst
You say: Hi, Nova!
You think: That's actually rather lovely in a completely nms way. 8/10
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This is my daughter: Estrella Felicity
You say: Intresting Name
You think: Sounds like a sweetThis is my daughter: Eowyn Pandora
You say: Both very mythical names
You think: Lord Of The RingsThis is my daughter: Aria Sardonyx
You say: ehhhhh.......Hi
You think: Child Abuse !This is my daughter: Pandora Allure
You say: Hiyah whats your name ?
You think: OMG What a horrible name This is my daughter: Saoirse Avalon
You say: Hi darling
You think: Saorise Is Ok But Avalon what a horrible name This is my daughter: Calypso Fae
You say: Hi There
You think: Sounds like an ice lolly This is my daughter: Nova Amethyst
You say: Very Intresting Name
You think: Sounds Like a medicine !
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This is my daughter: Estrella Felicity
You say: Hi Estrella!
You think: Estrella is a little odd. Felicity is nice. I five it an 8.This is my daughter: Eowyn Pandora
You say: Nice to meet you Eowyn!
You think: Pandora is pretty but Eowyn sounds too much like Owen, a male name. I give it a 4.This is my daughter: Aria Sardonyx
You say: Pleased to meet you Aria!
You think: Aria is nice, but it sounds a bit like area. Sardonyx sounds made up. I give a 4.This is my daughter: Pandora Allure
You say: Hello Pandora.
You think: Pandora is ok, don't like Allure. I give a 5.This is my daughter: Saoirse Avalon
You say: Hi Soairse!
You think: I love both names! I give a 10.This is my daughter: Calypso Fae
You say: How do you do Calypso?
You think: Fae is decent, Fay or Faye would have been better. Don't like Calypso. I give it a 5.This is my daughter: Nova Amethyst
You say: Hi Nova!
You think: The meaning is a sober butterfly chaser... interesting. Don't like Nova (although my mom works with a lady (named Bethany) who's daughter is Nova). Don't like Amethyst.I give a 3.
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This is my daughter: Estrella Felicity
You say: Hi, Estrella!
You think: Estrella...? Estella would be so pretty!!! Felicity Estella (or Estrella, if you MUST) would flow best, in my honest opinion.This is my daughter: Eowyn Pandora
You say: Hello, Eowyn.
You think: I think using two names from well-known stories is a bit weird, but despite that, it sounds nice and both names hae great meaning. (Oh, and Eowyn is awesome as a character!)This is my daughter: Aria Sardonyx
You say: Hi, Aria! Hey, our names are only two letters away! XD
You think: I find Aria beautiful and refreshing, though I may be slightly biased. Sardonyx just looks weird and made-up to me at a first glance.This is my daughter: Pandora Allure
You say: Hi, Pandora!
You think: Allure sounds too word-y...and another Pandora? :/ I don't much like the flow: two A's next to each other is not a good thing.This is my daughter: Saoirse Avalon
You say: Say-ors correct? Hi!
You think: Dunno how to pronounce Saoirse...Avalon is ok but reminds me of Avalon on our boards (not really a bad thing) and I have memory of some mystical land?This is my daughter: Calypso Fae
You say: Hello, Calypso!
You think: Faye would be nicer. Calypso seems to masculine, imho.This is my daughter: Nova Amethyst
You say: Hello, Nova.
You think: Too word-y. Nora Amethyst would be nice, despited the double a.
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This is my daughter: Estrella Felicity
You say: Oh wow, that's a pretty name.
You think: Hmm I wouldn't use it, but I kind of like it.This is my daughter: Eowyn Pandora
You say: Oh that's so pretty.
You think: Too bad Pandora isn't the first name.This is my daughter: Aria Sardonyx
You say: Aria is a nice name.
You think: Sardonyx??This is my daughter: Pandora Allure
You say: I love the name Pandora.
You think: Sounds like a perfume.This is my daughter: Saoirse Avalon
You say: I love that name!
You think: I love that name!
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This is my daughter: Estrella Felicity
You say: what a nice name
You think: Estrella! Haha! It's a brand of chips in Sweden
This is my daughter: Eowyn Pandora
You say: I really like your name
You think: Eowyn in nice but Pandora! No!This is my daughter: Aria Sardonyx
You say: hello Aria
You think: Aria what?This is my daughter: Pandora Allure
You say: oh, hello Pandora hm...Allure
You think: I HATE Allure!This is my daughter: Saoirse Avalon
You say: what a beautiful name you have
You think: very nice!This is my daughter: Calypso Fae
You say: hello Calypso!
You think: oh dear! what was her parents thinkingThis is my daughter: Nova Amethyst
You say: nice to meet you Nova
You think: ehm...ok..Nova is fine but not in a combo with Amethyst

This message was edited 7/28/2007, 2:43 PM

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This is my daughter: Estrella Felicity
You say: What a pretty name.
You think: Estrella's nice, but not my style. I love Felicity. Overall, I'd give this combo a 5 out of 10.This is my daughter: Eowyn Pandora
You say: I love your name.
You think: Wow, what a cool name. It sounds kind of earthy and I love the literary/mythological type combos. Overall, 9 out of 10.This is my daughter: Aria Sardonyx
You say: Well hello there, Aria.
You think: Aria is pretty, but Sardonyx looks kind of weird. Overall, 4 out of 10.This is my daughter: Pandora Allure
You say: Hello, Pandora.
You think: I like Pandora for its mythological feel but Allure is a strange noun name that makes this combo seem a bit...stripper-ish, I guess would be the best word I can think of. Overall, 4 out of 10.This is my daughter: Saoirse Avalon
You say: Wow, what a lovely name.
You think: I'm serious. This is one great combo. Despite the confusing-ness of pronouncing Saoirse, the combo flows great. The meanings are also quite nice. Avalon gets brownie points for being a GP name of mine. Overall, 10 out of 10.This is my daughter: Calypso Fae
You say: Hello Calypso.
You think: Ooh, a Calypso. That's a very pretty name and again, the mythology behing it draws me in. Fae seems a bit trendy and too short for the combo. Overall, 7 out of 10.This is my daughter: Nova Amethyst
You say: Hi there, Nova.
You think: The first name's okay, but not that great. Amethyst is a GP name for me. Overall, 5 out of 10.
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This is my daughter: Estrella Felicity
You say: Wow, umm, interesting!
You think: Uggh. I guess Ella is the logical nn, but I really kind of hate the whole combo. Tragic how people abuse names! 2
This is my daughter: Eowyn Pandora
You say: Oh! Do people call you Pandora's box?
You think: How the heck do I pronounce her first name again? How the heck do I SPELL her first name? It's not even the least bit feminine, Eowyn. 1
This is my daughter: Aria Sardonyx
You say: I love Aria!
You think: But I HATE Sardonyx. Is it some kind of fake jewel or something? But good job using Aria. 4
This is my daughter: Pandora Allure
You say: Pandora. I hear that a lot.
You think: But what makes it so attractive? She must be called Box or something! Not to mention Allure. Ick! You do not name a child something so often associated with over sexed up women! 3
This is my daughter: Saoirse Avalon
You say: How is your first name spelled?
You think: Are these people freakin' KIDDING me? Is this a joke? Honestly, my goodness, what were her parents thinking? That poor girl must be so teased. And it's not like her middle name's going to help her in any way! 0.
This is my daughter: Calypso Fae
You say: Interesting!
You think: And what the heck is interesting going to do? Name you after a calypso, that's what. And Fae is so filler. Pretty awful. 1
This is my daughter: Nova Amethyst
You say: Nova!
You think: Zenon movies and that rock on my nightstand. Need I say more? Gosh I hope not. 2
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This is my daughter: Estrella Felicity
You say: Hi Estrella
You think: Ok, I prefer Star thoughThis is my daughter: Eowyn Pandora
You say: Hi Eowyn
You think: lovely names, but don't flow wellThis is my daughter: Aria Sardonyx
You say: Hi Aria
You think: I really don't like it, I never liked Aria since that's also part of your heart, not just a part of music.This is my daughter: Pandora Allure
You say: Hi Pandora!
You think: love Pandora, but with Allure it sounds "too sexy"This is my daughter: Saoirse Avalon
You say: Hi Saoirse!
You think: I like it ,but prefer Saoirse on a boy. Avalon is cuteThis is my daughter: Calypso Fae
You say: Hi Calypso
You think: I like CalypsoThis is my daughter: Nova Amethyst
You say: Hi Nova
You think: love both, but doesn't flow
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This is my daughter: Estrella Felicity
You say: I love the name Estrella!
You think: While I like Felicity, it's kind of plain for Estrella.This is my daughter: Eowyn Pandora
You say: Cute name.
You think: Pandora's box. Trying to mix two tales; doesn't really work for me.This is my daughter: Aria Sardonyx
You say: lovely
You think: Does she sing? Sardonyx seems like a creature from a sci fi story.This is my daughter: Pandora Allure
You say: how cute
You think: Is she a fairy or elfling?This is my daughter: Saoirse Avalon
You say: I like that name. How did you come up with it?
You think: To me the names are too different to go together.This is my daughter: Calypso Fae
You say: I like Calypso.
You think: Is she musical? Why the boring Fae?This is my daughter: Nova Amethyst
You say: I like Amethyst.
You think: Doesn't Go, but I do like Amethyst.
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