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Re: You say, you think, All girls. Round 1
This is my daughter: Estrella Felicity
You say: What a pretty name.
You think: Estrella's nice, but not my style. I love Felicity. Overall, I'd give this combo a 5 out of 10.This is my daughter: Eowyn Pandora
You say: I love your name.
You think: Wow, what a cool name. It sounds kind of earthy and I love the literary/mythological type combos. Overall, 9 out of 10.This is my daughter: Aria Sardonyx
You say: Well hello there, Aria.
You think: Aria is pretty, but Sardonyx looks kind of weird. Overall, 4 out of 10.This is my daughter: Pandora Allure
You say: Hello, Pandora.
You think: I like Pandora for its mythological feel but Allure is a strange noun name that makes this combo seem a bit...stripper-ish, I guess would be the best word I can think of. Overall, 4 out of 10.This is my daughter: Saoirse Avalon
You say: Wow, what a lovely name.
You think: I'm serious. This is one great combo. Despite the confusing-ness of pronouncing Saoirse, the combo flows great. The meanings are also quite nice. Avalon gets brownie points for being a GP name of mine. Overall, 10 out of 10.This is my daughter: Calypso Fae
You say: Hello Calypso.
You think: Ooh, a Calypso. That's a very pretty name and again, the mythology behing it draws me in. Fae seems a bit trendy and too short for the combo. Overall, 7 out of 10.This is my daughter: Nova Amethyst
You say: Hi there, Nova.
You think: The first name's okay, but not that great. Amethyst is a GP name for me. Overall, 5 out of 10.
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