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Jecca's Congrats round 2
Feel free to join any time. All names must come from the provided namebank.Round 1: years after your first twins, you have another child! To determine gender/how many children you get, answer the following question:How do you like your coffee?
Black- DS/DD
With Cream- DD
With Sugar- DS
With Both- DD/DD
I don't drink coffee- DD/DD/DDNAMEBANK:Animals:
Albatross, Canary, Cardinal, Cassowary, Chickadee, Colt, Condor, Cormorant, Crane, Crow, Dove, Dragon, Drake, Eagle, Egret, Falcon, Fawn, Finch, Fox, Hawk, Heron, Ibis, Jay, Kestrel, Kingfisher, Kiwi, Lark, Linnet, Magpie, Nightingale, Oriole, Phoenix, Quail, Raven, Robin, Rook, Skylark, Sparrow, Starling, Stork, Swallow, Swan, Tanager, Tern, Tiger, Vireo, Waxwing, Whippoorwill, Wolf, Wren Colors:
Aqua, Auburn, Azure, Beige, Black, Blue, Bronze, Brown, Burgundy, Carmine, Cerulean, Chartreuse, Cobalt, Color, Crimson, Cyan, Ebony, Fuchsia, Golden, Gray, Green, Hazel, Hue, Indigo, Ivory, Khaki, Magenta, Maroon, Mauve, Navy, Ochre, Orange, Pastel, Periwinkle, Pink, Purple, Rainbow, Red, Russet, Sable, Scarlet, Sepia, Sienna, Spectrum, Tan, Teal, Umber, Vermillion, Viridian, Yellow Months/weather/days of the week:
April, August, Autumn, Blizzard, Breeze, Christmas, Cloud, December, Easter, Fall, February, Flood, Friday, Frost, Gale, Hail, Haze, Holiday, Hurricane, January, July, June, March, May, Mist, Monday, Monsoon, November, October, Rain, Rainbow, Saturday, Season, September, Snow, Solstice, Spring, Storm, Summer, Sun, Sunday, Sunshine, Tempest, Thursday, Tornado, Tsunami, Tuesday, Wednesday, Windy, Winter Gemstones:
Agate, Amber, Amethyst, Aquamarine, Beryl, Bloodstone, Brass, Bronze, Chalcedony, Cinnabar, Citrine, Copper, Coral, Crystal, Diamond, Emerald, Feldspar, Flint, Garnet, Gem, Geode, Gold, Granite, Jade, Jasper, Jet, Jewel, Lapis Lazuli, Malachite, Moonstone, Nickel, Obsidian, Onyx, Opal, Pearl, Peridot, Pyrite, Quartz, Rock, Ruby, Sapphire, Sardonyx, Silver, Slate, Steel, Sterling, Stone, Topaz, Turquoise, Zirconia, Zircon Virtues/qualities:
Allegiance, Amity, Amnesty, Aspire, Beauty, Blessing, Bliss, Brilliance, Charisma, Charity, Chastity, Cherish, Clarity, Constancy, Courage, Delight, Faith, Favour, Felicity, Fidelity, Glory, Grace, Honesty, Honour, Hope, Justice, Liberty, Love, Loyalty, Memory, Mercy, Merit, Modesty, Patience, Peace, Prudence, Purity, Remember, Salvation, Serendipity, Serenity, Sincerity, Tranquil, True, Trust, Understanding, Valour, Verity, Virtue, Worth AllegoryMusic/Musical terms:
Alto, Aria, Ballad, Bard, Cadence, Caesura, Cantana, Cello, Clarion, Coda, Coloratura, Concerto, Dulcimer, Epic, Haiku, Harmony, Jazz, Libretto, Lullaby, Lyric, Medley, Melisma, Melody, Octave, Opera, Operetta, Ottava Rima, Piccolo, Poet, Quadrille, Rhapsody, Rhythm, Sarabande, Serenade, Sestina, Sonata, Song, Sonnet, Soprano, Stanza, Symphony, Tanka, Tempo, Terza Rima, Terzanelle, Treble, Verse, Villanelle, Viola,Place names:
Alaska, Mississippi, Kentucky, Lothlorien, Avonlea, Atlantis, Atlanta, Magrathea, Narnia, Tashbaan, Alegaseia
Other random words:
Abyss, Angel, Atom, Baron, Bright, Caftan, Canyon, Chase, Cliff, Comedy, Comet, Dawn, Day, Dream, Dusk, Echo, Epiphany, Evening, Harbor, Heart, Heaven, Honey, Journey, Karma, King, Lake, Light, Magic, Moon, Morning, Night, Nova, Ocean, Page, Patches, Prince, Princess, Queen, River, Satchel, Shadow, Silence, Sky, Star, Talon, Tragedy, Valley, Velvet, Whisper, Zodiac, Upward Lad, Tinker Jolly Dearest Solar Hunk Equine Harbor Edge Adamant Silo Asterisk Slumber Inertia Tassel Waver Weaver Symbolism Panache Halo Voice Murmur Pitch Particle Gossamer Resin Candle Meridian Script Masquerade Illusion Illustrate Scape Flickering Garden G Ylang-Ylang Giko-Biloba Taffeta Tarragon Tender Theatre Traveler Trinity Gardener Guardian Guide Harper Hunter King Mason Navigator Painter Parker Philosophy Pilot Piper Poet Porter Racer Ranger Safari Sailor Sawyer Science Scout Smith Tailor Taylor Tucker Tyler Walker Wilder Cookie, November, Chase, Orion, Ray, Red, Neptune, Pluto, Saturn, Serentity, Venus, Verity, Tangerine, Tropicana, Whistle, Jupiter, Mars, Kettle, Radio, Universe, Vitamin, Zest, Reassure, Aroma, Mediator, Meridian, Calendar, Juice, Basalt, Lore, Original, Aboriginal, Indigenous, Oak, Zipper, Purify, Ruby, Serenity, Jasper, Pearl, Grace, Joy, June, August, Bell, Goddess, Sunshine, Stone, Pier, Scarlet, Ruby, Grace, Ray, Lyric, Briar, Cat, Belle, Tiara, Scout, Deacon, Ray, Archer, Bay, , Window Glory Spectre / Specter Ghost Cradle Lyric Word Pentagram Haiku Pipette Villanelle Evening, Morning, Elegance

This message was edited 6/3/2007, 4:14 PM

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Jecca's Congrats round 2  ·  quigonjecca  ·  6/3/2007, 4:13 PM
Re: Jecca's Congrats round 2  ·  Kelga  ·  6/4/2007, 5:00 PM
Re: Jecca's Congrats round 2  ·  bopperlynn  ·  6/4/2007, 10:12 AM
Re: Jecca's Congrats round 2  ·  emmy_J  ·  6/4/2007, 7:25 AM
Re: Jecca's Congrats round 2  ·  salsa  ·  6/4/2007, 7:11 AM
Re: Jecca's Congrats round 2  ·  mashlover  ·  6/4/2007, 4:25 AM
Re: Jecca's Congrats round 2  ·  miss_smiley  ·  6/4/2007, 2:20 AM
Re: Jecca's Congrats round 2  ·  Diamante04  ·  6/3/2007, 9:28 PM
Re: Jecca's Congrats round 2  ·  Sabrina Fair  ·  6/3/2007, 8:06 PM
Re: Jecca's Congrats round 2  ·  Claire  ·  6/3/2007, 7:28 PM
Re: Jecca's Congrats round 2  ·  Caroline Mae  ·  6/3/2007, 7:15 PM
Re: Jecca's Congrats round 2  ·  avalon  ·  6/3/2007, 6:12 PM
Re: Jecca's Congrats round 2  ·  maccalotte  ·  6/3/2007, 5:19 PM
Re: Jecca's Congrats round 2  ·  Victoria  ·  6/3/2007, 4:53 PM
Re: Jecca's Congrats round 2  ·  LMS  ·  6/3/2007, 4:47 PM
Don't forget the DW and the DH!  ·  quigonjecca  ·  6/3/2007, 4:48 PM
Re: Don't forget the DW and the DH!  ·  LMS  ·  6/3/2007, 5:28 PM
Re: Don't forget the DW and the DH!  ·  quigonjecca  ·  6/4/2007, 5:16 AM
Re: Jecca's Congrats round 2  ·  sarah lee  ·  6/3/2007, 4:18 PM