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Victoria's Congrats: Round 2
Sorry to ask you all that worthless info yesterday. It ended up being too hard. I just put the names together myself. Here are your updated families. Not everyone played the last round, which is fine. If you didn't, the child you got in that round will be transfered to this round. Otherwise, I determined your baby's gender with the flip of a coin. I gave everyone two initals and you have to use the proper name bank to get the name that is perfect for your child.UN: Victoria
LN: Cademan
DH: Nicolas Samuel "Nick"
DW: Victoria Heidi
DD/DD: Hannah Charlotte and Lydia Belle "Belle"
DD: BEUN: Caroline Mae
LN: Hart
DH: Russell Ambrose
DW: Cecilia Marion
DS: Elior Henry
DS: ACUN: Spartz
LN: Brooks
DH: Robert Michael "Bobby"
DW: Marie Nicole
AS: ZUUN: Kathryn
LN: Peirson
DH: George Matthias
DW: Violet Grace
DS/DS: Theo Patrick/Calvin Hugh
DD: LOUN: TheArthurs
LN: Pucketts
DH: Daniel James "Danny"
DW: Coralee Jeanne "Corie"
AS/AD/AS: Nathanael Micah, Hannah Elaine, and Dylan Thomas
DD: IVUN: laurea
LN: Maguire
DH: Thomas Michael
DW: Caroline Marie
AD: Abigail Victoria
DS: VPUN: hannah_1721
LN: O'Brien
DH: Damien Grant
DW: Mary Louisa Vivienne
AD: Ella Madeleine Camille
DD: CY UN: MThenard
LN: Robinson
DH: Dale Steven
DW: Darla Jewel
AS: Shia Elior
DD: DNUN: salsa
LN: Rylan
DH: Luke Adam
DW: Claire Elizabeth
DS/DD: Sam Malachi / Kate Cecilia "Kitty"
DD: ZYUN: maccalotte
LN: Evans
DH: Jude Niles
DW: Rebecca Margaret
DS/DD: Isaac Mordecai / Jessa Violet
DD: PXUN: Starlet
LN: Harrison
DH: Lincoln Charles
DW: Amelia June
DD/DD/DD:Anastasia Lucy / Charlotte Elizabeth / Florence Olivia
DD: VCUN: sarah lee
LN: Cheshire
DH: Oscar Michael
DW: Beatrice Sophia
DS/DD: Kate Bianca / Harry Patrick
DD: OMUN: Claire
LN: Anderson
DH: Luke Asher
DW: Eleanora Suzanne
AD: Lily Anastasia
DD: MPUN: estel
LN: Thompson
DH: William Alexander "Wil"
DW: Erin Faith
DS/DD: Shiloh Elias and Charlotte Elaine "Carly"
DS: RQUN: Quigonjecca
LN: Wickwire
DH: Cedric Emerson
DW: Mahalia Magdelena
AD: Zenaida Avalon Sylark Maeve
DD: ONUN: Bopperlynn
LN: de Costa
DH: Dathan Kale
DW: Mila Graziella
AD: Mariska Ismene
DD: CDUN: Ariel
LN: Moore
DH: Rowan Zacharias
DW: Athena Brigh
DS/DD: Isaac Calvin / Lucia Claire
DS: OCGirl FNS: Ava, Bernadette, Coralie, Danielle, Elaine, Francisca, Gloria, Heidi, Isabella, Julia, Kaila, Larissa, Miranda, Nadia, Olivia, Paisley, Quintella, Rebecca, Sara-Charlotte, Tatiana, Uliana, Victoria, Xena, Yadira, ZoeyGirl MNS: Addie, Brooke, Claire, Daphne, Elizabeth, Fiona, Gabriella, Hailey, Ilana, Jessica, Katie, Lorelai, Maree, Natalie, Orly, Paige, Quinn, Rachel, Sammy, Talie, Uma, Vanessa, Xandra, Yardley, ZenonBoy FNS: Adam, Bob, Caden, Daniel, Evan, Frank, Gavin, Henry, Irving, James, Kevin, Louis, Matthew, Nicholas, Omar, Phillip, Quinn, Richard, Sam, Thomas, Umberto, Victor, Xander, Yaakov, ZackBoy MNS: Alexander, Bernard, Cole, David, Ernst, Farrell, Gordon, Harold, Ivan, Jason, Kameron, Lloyd, Mark, Navin, Omar, Peter, Quinn, Robert, Steven, Timothy, Umberto, Victorious, Yaakov, Zachary
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UN: Claire
LN: Anderson
DH: Luke Asher
DW: Eleanora Suzanne
AD: Lily Anastasia
DD: Miranda Paige
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UN: Kathryn
LN: Peirson
DH: George Matthias
DW: Violet Grace
DS/DS: Theo Patrick/Calvin Hugh
DD: Larissa Orly 'Lara'
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UN: maccalotte
LN: Evans
DH: Jude Niles
DW: Rebecca Margaret
DS/DD: Isaac Mordecai / Jessa Violet
DD: Paisley Xandra
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UN: sarah lee
LN: Cheshire
DH: Oscar Michael
DW: Beatrice Sophia
DS/DD: Kate Bianca / Harry Patrick
DD: Olivia Maree "Liv"
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UN: hannah_1721
LN: O'Brien
DH: Damien Grant
DW: Mary Louisa Vivienne
AD: Ella Madeleine Camille
DD: Coralie Yardley Ilana (I'd like all my kids two have 2 MNs, so if I'm allowed to add Ilana to the end, that would be greatly appreciated!!)
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LN: Rylan
DH: Luke Adam
DW: Claire Elizabeth
DS/DD: Sam Malachi / Kate Cecilia "Kitty"
DD: Zoey Yardley :(
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UN: estel
LN: Thompson
DH: William Alexander "Wil"
DW: Erin Faith
DS/DD: Shiloh Elias and Charlotte Elaine "Carly"
DS: Richard Quinn "Ritchie"
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UN: Starlet
LN: Harrison
DH: Lincoln Charles
DW: Amelia June
DD/DD/DD:Anastasia Lucy / Charlotte Elizabeth / Florence Olivia
DD: Victoria Claire
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UN: MThenard
LN: Robinson
DH: Dale Steven
DW: Darla Jewel
AS: Shia Elior
DD: Danielle Natalie
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UN: TheArthurs
LN: Pucketts
DH: Daniel James "Danny"
DW: Coralee Jeanne "Corie"
AS/AD/AS: Nathanael Micah, Hannah Elaine, and Dylan Thomas
DD: Isabella Vanessa
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UN: Victoria
LN: Cademan
DH: Nicolas Samuel "Nick"
DW: Victoria Heidi
DD/DD: Hannah Charlotte and Lydia Belle "Belle"
DD: Bernadette Elizabeth
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UN: Ariel
LN: Moore
DH: Rowan Zacharias
DW: Athena Brigh
DS/DD: Isaac Calvin / Lucia Claire
DS: Omar Cole
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UN: Spartz
LN: Brooks
DH: Robert Michael "Bobby"
DW: Marie Nicole
AS: Patrick Shia
AS: Zack Umberto :(
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UN: Bopperlynn
LN: de Costa
DH: Dathan Kale
DW: Mila Graziella
AD: Mariska Ismene
DD: Coralie Daphne "Cora"
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