I've never made a game before, so I hope you'll play and I hope you enjoy it.
LN: Ethnic, from any culture besides your own
DH: FN is the name of one of your favorite singers or band members, MN means strong or strength
DW: FN is the name of a first lady of the US, MN is Biblical
DD: FN has three or more syllables, MN is a nature name
DS: any FN, MN is two syllables, "animal" nn that makes sense with name
DD/DD: FNs start with the letter R, MNs have meanings that are opposite each other
DS: FN is French, MN was in the top 20 in the 20's
DS/DD: FN honors mother/ FN honors father, MNs are water related
DDog: m or f, you pick. music related
DFish(m): Indian name