Re: YODA adoption agency, round 1
Thee Username: keepskuh
DH: Walter Egilius Adrian (29)
DW: Anne Elisabeth Mary (24)
Thee Current Children: Indy Pandora Elisabeth (3), Noah Henry Adrian (1)
Thee pets: Jack our labrador dog
Are ye a...
Do ye live in a...
Small Castle?
Why do ye wish to adopt from YODA?: We have a large home, and we like to help children who lost their parents..
Do ye want to adopt a..
How many all together? 1 or 2
Do thee ages matter? If so, how olde do ye want thine lass or lad to be? 0-6
Do thee looks matter? If so how do ye want thine lass or lad to look? blond hair with blue/green eyes
Do thee names matter? If so do ye care how difficult it is to pronounce thine lass or lad's name? no
Will thee accept pets of the littleun? yes
Will thee accept the littleun's pet dragons? no
Will thee accept young commonfolk? yes
Will thee accept young ladies/knights? yes
Will thee accept young Dukes/Duchess'? yes
Will thee accept young Royalty? yes