Congrats to thine family!
I send hearty congrats to thee and thine family! Here are thine new little'uns!
Oriolda Petronella Sabina and Amyfelyse Adeldreda Meldreð are twin lasses. Thee're Da was a greedy Earl and hee did not want to spend his family fortune on two combersum little'uns. Oriolda and her kindly sister, Amyfelyse are eleven years old. Thee beautiful little'uns have always wanted to live with Royalty.
Eirikr Draco is a kindly peasant lad from thee country. He has lived on thine own for many 'a moon. Eirikr is a kindly lad, and an excellent hunter. He will bring many a possum or squirril to ye supper and make good eatings! Eirikr has a little dragon hatchling named Leuilda.
Please keep YODA updated on how thee little'uns are doing!