Theodore Charles and
Katharine Adriana are 4 year old twins from
Theodore likes to play baseball, fingerpaint, play with playdough, and be read to.
Katharine likes to play dress-up, teaparty, make up stories, and read. Both children can already read and kind of write [not too legible], as older children in our agency have taught many young kids to read and write.
Mila Tereza is a 16 year old girl from Bulgaria. She was physically abused by her mother and father. She is a selective mute, and her arm is broken. She is still healing from a stab wound in her shoulder. Right after
Mila came to our agency, two weeks ago, she found out she was a month and a half pregnant. She should be able to find the gender of the baby/ies in about a week or so. She likes to hike/bike, swim, cook, sing, play the piano and violin, and write stories. She is very interested in literature. She wants to either work for the FBI or become a professional chef.
Please keep us updated on
Mila, and her unborn babies are doing!