Re: Norah's Adoption Agency:
LN: Richey
DH: Kyle James (37, Restaurant Chain Owner)
DW: Marie Nicole (36, Pediatrician)
DS: Kyle James (14, Baseball, Basketball, Football, Cooking, Friends)
DD: Juliana Marie (10, Girl Scouts, Softball, Hair, Makeovers, Friends)
DS: Andrew Edward "Drew" (9, Any Sport, Cars, Books, Friends)
DS: Dylan Dominic (6, Cars, Sports, Animals, Playing)
DD: Olivia Nicole (5, Dolls, Hair, Makeovers, Friends)
DS: Patrick Michael (2, Dinosaurs, Cars, Toys)
DDog: Padfoot (Dog)
Others living with you: None
Other info? None
Number of children: 2
Genders: 1 Boy, 1 Girl
Ages: 4
Siblings? We want a sibset of 2
Multiples? If yes, up to how many? Yes...Twins please!
Teen parent? If yes: mother, father, or both? No
Pregnant teen? If yes, father also? No
Disabilities? If so, what types and what severities? Blind / Deaf / Autistic (None, if possible, though.)
Nationality preference? England / USA
Language preference? English
Religion preference? Christian
Other info? We can't wait for our new kids!