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Quigonjecca's Congrats round 2. (Last sign up round)
Welcome to round 2 of Quigonjecca's Congrats! Your families can be retrieved here: you would like to sign up just complete sign-ups and round 1, and get yourself caught up to this round. Here are the links:sign-ups:
Round one: hasn't finished round one! All the namebanks this round are taken from Cool Names For Babies by Pamela Redmond Satran and Linda Rosenkrantz.This round you can use the twelve-sided die at this link to determine genders and which namebank to use:, I need to know the worst name you've ever heard. We've all heard of the Jello twins (Lemonjello and Orangejello) and Abcde and Espn, but what are the worse names you've heard? I need to know!GENDER:
1. DD
2. DS
3. DD/DD
4. DS/DS
5. DD/DS
8. DS
9. DD
10. Your choice single
11. Your choice multiples
WHICH NAMEBANK (Roll for each name):
1 or 6: Namebank 1
2 or 7: namebank 3
3 or 8: Namebank 5
4 or 9: Namebank 2
5 or 10: Namebank 4
11 or 12: Namebank 6NAMEBANKS:1. Angel, Answer, Arcadia, Bliss, Calm, Chance, Destiny, Divinity, Dream, Eden, Ethereal, Ever, Experience, Genesis, Gaurdian, Guide, Harmony, Heaven, Infinity, Justic, Light, Miracle, Mystery, Peace, Promise, Remember, Secret, Serendipity, Serenity, Sky, Spirit, Trinity, True, Trust2. Alizarin, Amethyst, Aniline, Aqua, Ash, Auburn, Azure, Beige, Brick, Brown, Buff, Burgandy, Cerise, Cerulean, Chamoise, Citron, Claret, Cocoa, Cordovan, Crimson, Dove, Ebony, Ecru, Emerald, Fuchsia, Granite, Gray, Grey, Gren, Greige, Hazel, Henna, Hyacinth, Indigo, Ivory, Jade, Lavender, Lilac, Magenta, Mohogany, Maize, Marigold, Mauve, Moss, Olive, Pink, Poppy, Raven, Red, Roan, Rose, Rosy, Ruby, Russet, Scarlet, Sienna, Silver, Slate, Steel, Sterling, Teal, Titian, Topaz, Turquoise, Umber, Vermilion, Violet, Viridian, Wisteria, Xanthene, Zinc
3. Adagio, Allegro, Alto, Arabesque, Aria, Brio, Cadence, Cadenza, Calliope, Calypso, Cantata, Cappella, Caprice, Carillon, Cello, Clarion, Diva, Dulcimer, Etude, Fifer, Flamenco, Harmony, Harp, Jazz, Lute, Lyre, Lyric, Madrigal, Malaguena, Mandolin, Marimba, Melody, Minuet, Opera, Raga, Reed, Rhythm, Seraphine, Serenade, Sonata, Sonatina, Symphony, Tango, Tempo, Timpani, Viola4. Adhara, Alcyone, Alioth, Altair, Alula, Alya, Amalthea, Andromeda, Aquila, Ara, Aries, Ascella, Atlas, Atria, Aurora, Azha, Bellatrix, Caelum, Callisto, Calypso, Capella, Cassiopeia, Chara, Columba, Elara, Electra, Galatea, Halley, Io, Izar, Janus, Jupiter, Leda, Libra, Luna, Maia, Mars, Meissa, Mercury, Meteor, Mimosa, Mira, Moon, Nashira, Navi, nova, Oberon, Orion, Perseus, Rhea, Sabik, Shaula, Star, Stella, Talitha, Thalassa, Titania, Vega, Venus, Zaniah, Zosma
5. Afternoon, Arbor, Bay, Beech, Birch, Bogart, Cabot, Cameo, Canyon, Christmas, Clarity, December, Early, Easter, Edison, Finch, Grayson, Grove, Hale, Juniper, Keaton, Lane, Lark, Lincoln, Madigan, Monday, North, November, Pike, Quarry, Salmon, Season, Sonnet, Tierney
6. Armani, Babe, Brandy, Breeze, Buck, California, Cheyenne, Congo, Crockett, Desiree, Duke, Free, Harley, Kool, Maverick, Porsche, Prince, Rambo, Rider, Scorpio, Sinbad, Sugar, Talon, Thor, Tiger, Vice, Vulcan, WildHave fun!

This message was edited 3/20/2007, 1:04 PM

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Quigonjecca's Congrats round 2. (Last sign up round)  ·  quigonjecca  ·  3/20/2007, 1:02 PM
Re: Quigonjecca's Congrats round 2. (Last sign up round)  ·  auria  ·  3/21/2007, 3:26 PM
oops forgot some ppl  ·  auria  ·  3/21/2007, 3:29 PM
I'd like to play!  ·  Isa  ·  3/21/2007, 11:46 AM
Re: Quigonjecca's Congrats round 2. (Last sign up round)  ·  Eliza  ·  3/21/2007, 9:49 AM
Re: Quigonjecca's Congrats round 2. (Last sign up round)  ·  CN  ·  3/21/2007, 5:07 AM
Re: Quigonjecca's Congrats round 2. (Last sign up round)  ·  Bex  ·  3/21/2007, 1:58 AM
sign-up  ·  Keepskuh  ·  3/21/2007, 1:37 AM
Re: Quigonjecca's Congrats round 2. (Last sign up round)  ·  mashlover  ·  3/20/2007, 11:25 PM
Re: Quigonjecca's Congrats round 2. (Last sign up round)  ·  Diamante04  ·  3/20/2007, 9:38 PM
Re: Quigonjecca's Congrats round 2. (Last sign up round)  ·  Gloria Rose  ·  3/20/2007, 8:36 PM
Re: Quigonjecca's Congrats round 2. (Last sign up round)  ·  Claire  ·  3/20/2007, 6:18 PM
I would like to play :)  ·  Elle  ·  3/20/2007, 5:52 PM
Re: Quigonjecca's Congrats round 2. (Last sign up round)  ·  LadyBug  ·  3/20/2007, 5:32 PM
Re: Quigonjecca's Congrats round 2. (Last sign up round)  ·  Silvie  ·  3/20/2007, 5:00 PM
Re: Quigonjecca's Congrats round 2. (Last sign up round)  ·  SwtNikki87  ·  3/20/2007, 4:18 PM
Re: Quigonjecca's Congrats round 2. (Last sign up round)  ·  avalon  ·  3/20/2007, 4:10 PM
Re: Quigonjecca's Congrats round 2. (Last sign up round)  ·  New sign up :)  ·  3/20/2007, 3:49 PM
What is your username? nt  ·  quigonjecca  ·  3/20/2007, 3:55 PM
Re: What is your username? nt  ·  Della Grey  ·  3/20/2007, 5:00 PM
Re: Quigonjecca's Congrats round 2. (Last sign up round)  ·  Mar  ·  3/20/2007, 3:25 PM
Re: Quigonjecca's Congrats round 2. (Last sign up round) = question  ·  Rachel  ·  3/20/2007, 3:12 PM
Doesn't really matter! nt  ·  quigonjecca  ·  3/20/2007, 3:42 PM
Re: Quigonjecca's Congrats round 2. (Last sign up round)  ·  Emma_Rae  ·  3/20/2007, 2:47 PM
Re: Quigonjecca's Congrats round 2. (Last sign up round)  ·  starlet  ·  3/20/2007, 2:47 PM
Re: Quigonjecca's Congrats round 2. [Now with wacky names]  ·  Cera  ·  3/20/2007, 2:41 PM
Either (m)  ·  quigonjecca  ·  3/20/2007, 3:43 PM
Re: Quigonjecca's Congrats round 2. (Last sign up round)  ·  ellie321  ·  3/20/2007, 2:23 PM
Re: Quigonjecca's Congrats round 2. (Last sign up round)+edit  ·  sarah lee  ·  3/20/2007, 2:20 PM
Re: Quigonjecca's Congrats round 2. (Last sign up round)  ·  estel  ·  3/20/2007, 1:39 PM
Re: Quigonjecca's Congrats round 2. (Last sign up round)  ·  enlatiah  ·  3/20/2007, 1:27 PM
My own (o:  ·  quigonjecca  ·  3/20/2007, 1:19 PM
Re: Quigonjecca's Congrats round 2. (Last sign up round)  ·  noelle1322  ·  3/20/2007, 1:18 PM
Re: Quigonjecca's Congrats round 2. (Last sign up round) + EDIT  ·  Spartz  ·  3/20/2007, 1:10 PM
Re: Quigonjecca's Congrats round 2. (Last sign up round)  ·  MThenard  ·  3/20/2007, 1:10 PM
Least fav names  ·  MThenard  ·  3/20/2007, 3:56 PM