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Congrats Round 10 *with bonus
I know it's early, but I decided to just go on & post it anyway! :D Have fun!*Bonus: On this round, you can also, as a bonus, make 5 family friends and a dog using the names listed!Round 10 NamesBoys: Alan Ashley Ashton Aubrey Barry Ben Bernard Brenden Charlie Chris Cody Colby Dale Daniel David Derrick Devin Donald Erik Evan Gary Jose Kevin Kyle Mario Micah Mikey Miles Oren Philip Patrik Reggie Richard Rick Ronald Scott Sean Seth Tommy Victor Girls: Addison Aimee Alexa America Amerie Annalisa Arabella Ari Ariel Aurora Ashlee Ashton Brenna Brigette Brook Cady Camryn Candace Carrie Daisy Felicity Gayla Josie Kami Kate Kinsey Kristina Krystal Kyla Lindsi Livie Luci Madalyn Makenzi Marina Rain Shannon Sharon Shyla Sidney Stephenie Tara Traci Trina
Round 9 Names
Boys: Andy Rhett Dave Mickey Simon Deshawn Maxwell Jack John Will Brady Gregory Taylor Jordan Jimmie Roy Danny Larry Michael Quinton Wilson Matt
Girls: Cammie Scarlett Rose Lily Melanie Chloe Marlisa Zoe Sommer Paris London Nevaeh Amanda Ananda Randi Stacy Britni Amalie Amorie Krissy Christy-Anne Shelby Miranda Kayla Shayla Mikalah Gracie
Round 8 Names
Boys: Allen Andrew Benjamin Braden Brandon Brent Bruce Carson Casey Christopher Colby Colter Cooper Daniel Declan Dylan Elliott Frank Franklin Gage Grady Grant Ian Jacob Jaydon Jeffrey John Joseph Kale Kyler Mark Myles Nathan Nathaniel Owen Patrick Preston Rylan Shane Spencer Steven Tanner Trevor Tyler Xavier
Girls: Alexis Allyson Amanda Amy Annabelle Aubree Audrey Bridget Cadence Chelsea Courtney Elizabeth Isabella Jennifer Jordan Justine Kara Karley Kathryn Kay Kennedy Keri Kylee Laura Lillian Lindsay Lisa Mackenzie Mae Maria Megan Melissa Monica Rayanna Rebekah Sadie Samantha Sara Sofia Stephanie Summer Taylor Teresa Veronica
Round 7 Names
Boys: Anderson Baxter Brett Bryson Charles Christian Dean Emmett Holden James Logan Paul Robert William Zachary
Girls: Alyssa Ann Corinne Dallas Elisabeth Hannah Leah Lee Lily Natalie Paisley Rochelle Rose Shelly SierraRound 6 Names
Boys: Alan Alexander Cameron Chase Clinton Corbin Davis Douglas Elijah Griffith Justice Justin Mark Parker Walker
Girls: Blair Brooklyn Catherine Chloe Constance Danielle Faith Joy Kaye Noel Paige Rachel Rae Shauna Tiffany
Round 5 Names
Boys: Aidan Clifton Gunner Isaac Jace Jeremy Jordan Lane Lucas Matteo Ryan Sean Tate Tristan Tucker
Girls: Avery Brianne Bronwyn Cecilia Clara Deborah Erica Gwynn Hayden Julianna Karly Lydia Sarah Sylvia ValerieRound 4 Names
Boys: Adrian Brodie Bryce Carter Caden Chandler Connor Dalton David Evan Everett Frederick Garrett Jackson Russell
Girls: Autumn Brittany Brooke Daisy Ellen Greer Jada Jacqueline Jo Katrina Lynn Marissa Noelle Rylee WhitneyRound 3 Names
Boys: Cole Corey Francis Grayson Jason Lachlan Marshall Matthew Micah Michael Noah Oliver Quinn Ross Stephen
Girls: Allie Anne Caitlyn Carly Emma Jasmine Jessica Katherine Leigh Marie Marina Michelle Rorie Savannah VictoriaRound 2 Names
Boys: Aiden Anthony Bryan Derek Ethan Gabriel Karl Lee Mason Richard Riley Samuel Thomas Timothy Vincent
Girls: Allison Amber Anna Ava Brielle Emily Heidi Ivy Kathleen Kristen Lauren Lucille Nicole Olivia QuinnRound One Names
Boys: Aaron Austin Avery Eric Hayden Hunter Jonathan Kaden Keith Kyle Nicholas Sebastian Shaun Stuart Wyatt
Girls: Alaina Alexandra Alicia Amelia Bethany Dawn Grace Hailey Jean Katelyn Kelsey Madison Morgan Willow ZoeAvalon
DDMiss Lissa
DDLissa Kristine
DDAudrey Sophia
DSMiss Natla
DSRosita Q

This message was edited 6/24/2005, 10:25 AM

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Chelsea Nicole and Mark WilliamWyatt Austin
Ava Brielle
Marina Jasmine / Savannah Rorie
Brooke Whitney
Clara Bronwyn
Paige Chloe
Logan Zachary / Holden Robert / Elisabeth Dallas "Bess"
Owen Joseph / Kennedy Mae / Samantha Audrey / Isabella Summer
Melanie Scarlett / Simon John / Jack Maxwell / Brady Rhett / Zoe ParisDS: Ashton MilesAshton Miles was born on June 14 at 9:59pm. He weighed 6lbs, 5oz and was 18 inches long. We are very overwhelmed with our 21 children!
Chelsea Nicole ~ 1 week and 4 days until my 21st birthday! Go Cubs!
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We're so happy to announce the birth of our newest additions: daughter, Felicity Aurora and the cute little dog that we adopted from the Humane Society, Victor Mario.Chelsea Laura and Jesse RyanDS:Austin Eric
DD:Ivy Kathleen
DS/DD:Lachlan Ross and Victoria Katherine
DD:Greer Noelle
DD: Sylvia Valerie
DS: Elijah Parker
DD/DS/DS: Natalie Hannah / Emmett Paul / James William
DS/DS/DS/DD: Dylan Andrew / Jacob Nathan / Ian Grant / Maria Kay
DS/DS/DD/DD/DS: Rhett Michael / Taylor John / Scarlett Zoe / Lily Amanda / Jack Quinton
DD: Felicity Aurora
Dog: Victor Mario
We're also excited that our good friends from out of town have come for a visit: Ben Richard, Oren Patrick, Charlie Evan, Brenna Cady, and Brigette Annalisa
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DW: Jennifer Nicole "Jen"
DH: Luke PrestonDD: Alexandra Grace
DD: Ava Nicole
DS/DS: Stephen Grayson / Micah Lachlan
DD: Rylee Brooke
DD: Julianna Cecilia "Julia"
DD: Rachel Constance
DD/DD/DS: Natalie Hannah / Elisabeth Rose "Ella" / William James "Liam"
DD/DD/DD/DS: Kathryn Isabella / Lillian Courtney "Lilli" / Monica Lindsay / Grant Spencer
DS/DS/DS/DD/DS: John Gregory / Quinton Jack / Maxwell Rhett "Max" / Mikalah Zoe / Jordan Michael
DD: Addison Kyla "Addie"We have one more announcement to make, and we promise this one is the last! Our family is proud to introduce our beautiful little angel, Addison Kyla, to the world.

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LN: Katzenberg
DH: James Evander
DW: Sedalyn Rose EdenDS: Avery Nicholas
DD: Ivy Kathleen
DS/DD: Micah Lachlan and Savannah Marie
DS: Everett Caden
DD: Lydia Brianne
DD: Constance Noel
DD/DD/DD: Alyssa Rose, Sierra Elisabeth, and Corinne Natalie
DS/DS/DD/DS: Kale Rylan, Patrick Ian, Rayanna Justine, and, Elliott Trevor
DD/DS/DS/DS/DS: Scarlett Camille "Cammie", Simon Matthew "Matt", Jack William "Will", Michael Andrew "Andy", Gregory Daniel "Danny"
DD: Arabella Rain-Seda*
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I met Kelly Clarkson! She's awesome!
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Julia and JesseWyatt Aaron
Kristen Emily
Savannah Marie and Noah Cole
Bryce Everett
Karly Brianne
Justice Alexander
Alyssa Rose / William Dean / Zachary Bryson
Dylan Andrew / Kyler Grant / Allyson Kay / Braden Gage
Kayla Scarlett / Quinton Rhett / Jordan Gregory / Simon Roy / Melanie Nevaeh
Evan Dale Jesse & Julia
Wyatt, Kristen, Savannah, Noah, Bryce, Karly, Justice, Alyssa, Will, Zach, Dylan, Kyler, Allyson, Braden, Kayla, Quint, Jordan, Simon, Melanie, & Evan. Whew!
* Proud adopter of 15 exclamation marks *"Time marches on and sooner or later you realize it's marching right across your face!" ~ Truvy in Steel Magnolias
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DD: Brenna Amiee Candace~*~Stacey~*~
My dear !!!- Boys: Damian Kristjan, Brock Gardar, Johnathan Leif, Chase Thor, Adam Hallbjorn
Girls: Summer Jennine, Jaslyn Brynja, Scarlet Asdis, Arianna Bryndis, Evyn Svanhildur
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DW: Laura Michelle (That's me!)
DH: AndrewDD: Madison Bethany "Maddi"
DD: Allison Anna "Alli"
DS:/DS: Jason Corey / Michael Matthew "Mike"
DS: David Carter
DS: Ryan Sean
DS: Parker Davis
DS:/DS:/DS: Holden Logan / Robert Paul "Rob" / Zachary Brett "Zach"
DD:/DD:/DS:/DS: Karley Isabella / Kylee Mackenzie / Casey Dylan / Christopher "Chris" Daniel
DD:/DD:/DD:/DD:/DD: Cammie Rose / Scarlett Chloe / Sommer Marlisa / Paris London / Mikalah Navaeh
DD: Arabella Alexa *Dog: Brigette*Friends: Makenzi Trina "Kenzi", Sidney Marina, Carrie Stephenie, Amerie Cady, Luci BrennaLaura & Andrew
Maddi, Alli, Jason,

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This message was edited 6/24/2005, 10:15 AM

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