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Re: Congrats Round 2!
Jennifer Nicole and Luke Preston
DD/DD: Annelies Mary / Lacey Annabelle
DD: Melissa Layne "Missy"Annelies & Lacey are thrilled to announce that they are big sisters! Melissa Layne joined our family on May 8th at 7:21 AM, weighing 6 pounds, 14 ounces; 19 inches long. Our little miracle is absolutely perfect and the girls are so great with her; they have nicknamed her "Missy" ...I'm not too sure how long that will last, but for the moment, since she's a baby, it's cute. Welcome to the world Melissa --- Daddy, Mommy, Annelies, & Lacey love you very much!!!

This message was edited 5/10/2005, 11:36 PM

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