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Congrats Round 2!
Congrats!!I hope you all enjoy your new bundles of joy! Both round 1 and round 2 names are at the bottom, so don’t get them confused! Round 2 names are at the very bottom of the list. If there are any problems or questions (especially on pronunciations this round), just let me know!ArcadiaKatie
DS: Gabriel William
DS:ArrayPaulina Claudette and Trevor John
DS: Blaze Elliot “Bell”
DD:Audrey SophiaAnnelie Margarete and Cyrus Finnian
DD: Amelia Katherine "Mia"
DS:AuriaAurua and Niko
DD:AvalonReagan and Shawn
DS/DS: Caleb Elijah and William Noah
DS:AvivaAviva Melanie and Jakob Ryan
DD: Annabelle Lucy Genevieve “Anna”
DD:BexRebecca Simone and Pierre Jacques
DS/DD: Annabelle Lucy & Damion Vincent
DS: Leo Cole
DS:CatherineCatherine and Joel
DS: Vincent Patrick
DD:ChelseaChelsea Nicole and Mark William
DS: Chandler Cole
DS:ChrisellChristine Ellen and Rowan Michael
DD: Amelia Ellen
DS:Claire H.Claire and Dominic
DD/DD/DD: Mischa Lorelei / Chloe Genevieve / Lucy Amelia
DS:DaddysdancerChelsea Laura and Jesse Ryan
DS: Caleb William
DD:Diamante04Jennifer and Luke
DD/DD: Annelies Mary / Lacey Annabelle
DD:ElizaAkira Jade and Aidan Lee
Round 1 DS:
DD/DD:ElizabethJulia Elizabeth and Tom
Round 1 DD:
ElleLisa Michelle Lynn and Julian Anthony Orion
DD: Patience Amelia
DD:EvadneEvadne Jane “Evy” and Alberic Robin “Alby”
DD/DD: Genevieve Ellen 'Gena' & Annabelle Lucy 'Annie'
DS:JainaMichelle and Scott Graham
Round 1 DS/DD:
DD:Julia BJulia and Alan
DS: Cole Elijah
DD:Kelli:Kelli and Andrew
DD:Genevieve Elizabeth
DD:KellyKelly Lynn and Brian Michael
Round 1 DS:
DS:LaurenLauren and Brogan
Round 1DS/DD:
DD:Lissa KristineLissa Kristine
DS/DS: Cade Garbrial/ Atom Blaze
DS:LozLaura and Nick
Round 1DS:
DS:MieJamie and Stephen
DS: Patrick Leo
DS: William Noah
DS: Miss Alyson Kristy Donelle and James Lenard
DD: Lorelei Genevieve “Rory”
DD:Miss ClaireClaire Laurence Rahel Behira
DS: Noah William
DS/DD:NikkiNikki and Lucas
DD: Chloe Lorelei
DS:OslinLaura Margaret and Richard William
DS: Leo Sebastion
DD:Rachel ColleenColleen and Derek Ryan
DD: Ella Patience
DD:Shangrila_laAmanda and John
Round 1DD:
DD:SilvieHannah and Dominic
Round 1DS/DS:
Sophie and Jon
DD: Elizabeth Genevieve “Libby”
DS:SwtNikki87Erica Nichole “Nikki” and Sean Robert
DS: Caleb Patrick
DD:Sera M.Sadie Eliza and Alasair Alain
DD: Desiree Elizabeth
DD:Skye MorganSkye Morgan and Dylan Mark
DD:Lara Annabelle
DS:SnoGurlStacey and Cody
DS: Chandler Elijah Patrick
DD:Samantha C.Samantha and Dylan
DD: Ella Katherine
DS/DD:SummerSummer and Chris
DD: Patience Desiree Amelia
DD:Round 1 Girls’ Names: Amelia, Annabelle, Annelies, Bella, Chloe, Desiree, Ella, Ellen, Elizabeth, Genevieve, Katherine, Lacey, Lara, Lorelei, Lucy, Mary, Mischa, Patience, RoryRound 1 Boys’ Names: Atom, Blaze, Brian, Cade, Caleb, Chandler, Cole, Clark, Damion, Elijah, Elliot, Garbrial, Leo, Mark, Noah, Patrick, Sebastion, Tanner, Vincent, William
Round 2 Girls’ Names: Blaire, Breezy, Caelin, Eve, Honey, Jana, Ketinah, Layne, Lucille, Mae, Mariah, Melissa, Melody, Penny, Saharra, Saren Suzanne, Suzanna, Vanessa, WhinnyRound 2 Boys’ Names: Blair, Bradley, Camden, Carter, Cody, Colby, Courin, Daniel, David, Derek, Fess, Josh, Justin, Lauren (Laur-EN), Luke, Marco, Nyle, Saul, Trevor, Windy

This message was edited 5/11/2005, 3:24 PM

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Thank you so much again!DH: Tom ________
DW: Julia Elizabeth "Elizabeth"DD: Lacey Elizabeth (1)
DD: Caelin Vanessa (newborn)Tom and Elizabeth with Lacey and Caelin
- ♥ -

The will of God will never take you to where the grace of God will not protect you
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Rachel Colleen and Derek Ryan
DD: Ella Patience
DD: Layne MelodyLayne Melody was born on August 10 at 4:11 in the afternoon. She weighed 7 lbs 3 oz and was 19.5 inches long.
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Laura Margaret and Richard William
DS: Leo Sebastion
DD: Suzanne JanaLaura and Richard with Leo and Suza.
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DD: Eve Suzanne
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Am I too late?I signed up on the Signup post you made. I haven't done it until know b/c I haven't been able to be on it this week yet :)- ♥ -

The will of God will never take you to where the grace of God will not protect you
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Of course not!ElizabethJulia Elizabeth and Tom
Round 1 DD:
Round 2 DD:
Names are on the main post

This message was edited 5/11/2005, 3:23 PM

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Thanks you so much Mandie! :-)
- ♥ -

The will of God will never take you to where the grace of God will not protect you
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Summer and Chris
DD: Patience Desiree Amelia
DD: Breezy Vanessa Eve
Daughter to 6
Sister to many
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Claire Laurence Rahel Behira
DS: Noah William
DS/DD: Daniel David / Suzanna Lucille
~~ Claire ~~
My dear ! are Alia, Eidel, Enola, Israel, Dudel and Yuri.
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Laura and NickDS: William Patrick Noah (Billy)
DS: Daniel Justin Carter
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We are overjoyed to welcome our first son Daniel Luke, a little brother for Gena & Annie.DW: Evadne Jane “Evy”
DH: Alberic RobinAlby
DD/DD: Genevieve Ellen 'Gena' & Annabelle Lucy 'Annie'
DS: Daniel Luke 'Danny'~ * ~ Evy ~ * ~proud to adopt:
? Peregrine ? Merlin ? Faramond
? Iolanthe ? Stella & ? Kestrel
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Catherine and Joel
DS: Vincent Patrick
DD: Eve Melody
---!!!!!!!!!! - Angus, Elvin, "The Brow", River, Orlando, Liza, Angeline, Carmella, Xanthe and Tabea.
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Aurua and Niko
DD: Ella Annabelle
DD: Suzanna Mae
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Skye Morgan and Dylan Mark
DD: Lara Annabelle
DS: Justin Carter
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Kristy Donelle and James Lenard
DD: Lorelei GenevieveRory
DD: Caelin Mae "Cae"~*Alyson*~
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Christine Ellen and Rowan Michael
DD: Amelia Ellen
DS: Daniel LukeChristine, Rowan and Amelia are delighted to announce the birth of their son and brother, Daniel Luke.
ChrisellAll we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us. - J.R.R. Tolkien.

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Annelie Margarete and Cyrus Finnian and big sister Amelia Katherine (Mia) are pleased to announce the birth of a baby boy! Luke Camden!
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Sophie and Jon are thrilled with their son Daniel David, a brother for LibbyDD: Elizabeth GenevieveLibby
DS: Daniel DavidS xx
Processed “cheese”. The word should always, like Soviet “democracy”, be framed in quotes, for no matter what the law may say, I refuse to call this cheese
~Bob Brown~
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Jennifer Nicole and Luke Preston
DD/DD: Annelies Mary / Lacey Annabelle
DD: Melissa Layne "Missy"Annelies & Lacey are thrilled to announce that they are big sisters! Melissa Layne joined our family on May 8th at 7:21 AM, weighing 6 pounds, 14 ounces; 19 inches long. Our little miracle is absolutely perfect and the girls are so great with her; they have nicknamed her "Missy" ...I'm not too sure how long that will last, but for the moment, since she's a baby, it's cute. Welcome to the world Melissa --- Daddy, Mommy, Annelies, & Lacey love you very much!!!

This message was edited 5/10/2005, 11:36 PM

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Claire and Dominic
DD/DD/DD: Mischa Lorelei / Chloe Genevieve / Lucy Amelia
DS: Daniel Luke
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DS: Gabriel William
DS: Blair Daniel~ Arcadia
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Rebecca, Pierre, Annabelle & Damian are proud to announce the birth of:
Camden Saul
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Caleb and Liam are big brothers, and they couldn't be more excited!We welcomed Luke Bradley on April 4 at 8:04 p.m. He weighed a whopping 8 pounds 13 ounces (how did I ever manage to carry him for nine months?) and was 22.5 inches long. He has gorgeous blue eyes and almost no hair at all. Shawn and I are thrilled to have him in our family!~ Shawn, Reagan, Caleb, Liam, and Luke

This message was edited 5/10/2005, 8:19 PM

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Jamie and Stephen
DS: Patrick Leo
DS/DS: David Marco / Luke Bradley

"I dare you to make less sense."
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Akira Jade and Aidan LeeDS: Noah William
DD/DD: Saharra Eve / Whinny Mae ·•·Eliza·•· 
See my PPs in my profile. :)
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Aviva Melanie and Jakob Ryan
DD: Annabelle Lucy Genevieve “Anna”
DD: Saren Mariah Mae
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Amanda and John
DD: Mischa Genevieve
DD: Layne Suzanna
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Round 1 (didn't see the list last time, sorry)
DS: Elijah Tanner
DD: Ella GenevieveRound 2
DD: Mariah SarenDuct tape is a lot like the Force. It has a dark side, a light side, and it binds the universe together
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DS: Leo Cole
DS: David Loren

This message was edited 5/10/2005, 7:06 PM

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NoteLoren was not a choice. I'll assume you meant Lauren unless you decide to change the name.I'm sorry, I know it's probably not the spelling you would have liked, but I have to keep the game fair.
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Julia and AlanDS: Cole Elijah
DD: Melissa EveAlan, Julia, Cole, and Melissa.
My !!!!'s- Lexie, Gracie, Katie, and Annie.
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Stacey and Cody
DS: Chandler Elijah Patrick
DD: Blaire Lucielle Vanessa~*~Stacey~*~
My dear !!!- Boys: Damian Kristjan, Brock Gardar, Johnathan Leif, Chase Thor, Adam Hallbjorn
Girls: Summer Jennine, Jaslyn Brynja, Scarlet Asdis, Arianna Bryndis, Evyn Svanhildur
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NoteLucielle was not a choice. I'll assume you meant Lucille unless you want to change her name. Just let me know.I'm sorry, I know it might not be the spelling you prefer, but I must keep the game fair.
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Sorry, my fault... it doesn't matter to me, I probably just type-o'd.~*~Stacey~*~
My dear !!!- Boys: Damian Kristjan, Brock Gardar, Johnathan Leif, Chase Thor, Adam Hallbjorn
Girls: Summer Jennine, Jaslyn Brynja, Scarlet Asdis, Arianna Bryndis, Evyn Svanhildur
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ChelseaChelsea Nicole and Mark William
DS: Chandler Cole
DS: Camden BradleyWe are proud to announce the birth of our second son, Camden Bradley. He arrived on June 16 at 4:19am. He weighed 8lbs, 1oz and was 21 inches long. Chandler is thrilled to have a baby brother.
Chelsea Nicole ~ 58 days until my 21st birthday & 1 day until summer vacation! (3 finals and 1 research paper to go)Go Cubs!
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DW: MirandaDS: William Noah
DS: Derek Saul
"...his fingers trailing over your belly, your thighs quacking..." — From a The Lord of the Rings crapficProud adopter of 15 punctuation marks.
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Lauren and Brogan
Round 1DS/DD: Cade Gabrial • Ella Katherine
DD: Suzanna Lucille "Anna"Cade, Ella, & Anna.•♥•
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Samantha and Dylan
DD: Ella Katherine
DS/DD: Blaire Melissa, Luke Daniel
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Proud big sister Patience is pleased to announce the arrival of her new baby sister, Caelin Mae. Born August 3 and measured 7lbs 5oz and 19 1/2 inches. Equally estatic parents are Julian and Lisa.DH: Julian Anthony Orion
DW: Lisa Michelle LynnDD: Pacience Amelia
DD: Caelin Mae
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Changing her name to...... Mae Lucille!DH: Julian Anthony Orion
DW: Lisa Michelle LynnDD: Patience Amelia
DD: Mae Lucille
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Paulina Claudette and Trevor John
DS: Blaze Elliot “Bell”
DD: Suzanne MariahLina, Trev, Bell, and ZannaArray
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We are proud to announce the birth of our beautiful daughter, Caelin Mae.Chelsea Laura and Jesse Ryan
DS: Caleb William
DD: Caelin Mae
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