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Re: Congrats Round 3
Anna, Mark and older siblings Ryan and Ella are pleased to announce a double blessing, twin girls. Evelyn Danielle was born on 17 August at 2.33pm weighing 5lb 3oz, and Isabel Lily followed at 2.41pm weighing 5lbs 6oz. DW: Anna Marie
DH: Mark JoshuaDS: Ryan Joshua
DD: Ella Paige
DD/DD: Evelyn Danielle "Evie"/ Isabel Lily "Izzy"

This message was edited 4/15/2005, 4:32 AM

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Alyssa Victoria and Isabella Olivia are round one names. Please change them to round three names.Nikki :)
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Alyssa Victoria and Isabella Olivia are round one names. Please change them to round three names.Nikki :)
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