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Re: Congrats Round 3
DM: HannahDS: Samuel James "Sam"
DD: Andrea Faith
DD/DD: Mia Nicole / Jennifer Kylie "Jenn""If life gives you lemons, make lemonade. If life gives you boxes, make cardboard soup!" - Liza Albert
PP: ??????????????!!!!???? Go to my profile to see their names!
~ Hannah
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Mia Nicoel and Jennifer Kylie are round two names. Please change them to round three names since your twin girls were born in round threeThanksNikki :)
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Ariana Michelle and Autumn Sierra
"If life gives you lemons, make lemonade. If life gives you boxes, make cardboard soup!" - Liza Albert
PP: ??????????????!!!!???? Go to my profile to see their names!
~ Hannah
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