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Re: Making a Family - Step 7 (Last Step)
in reply to a message by Casey
Home seems so quiet now that Ben has moved out. He just started at university in Leeds, reading English and then hopefully following in my footsteps to be a journalist. When he didn't get into Oxford he was a little disappointed, but I told him that it wasn't the end of the world even though I went through the same thing. Also it helped him move on from his ex-girlfriend after she messed him about so much. Now we only have our 'baby' Dylan left - I can't believe he's doing his GCSEs already! He's doing so well though, especially in maths and history, and he's been predicted a double A* in his science exams because he got full marks for his coursework.Oh and just when I thought my days as a mum were over, now I've got to play grandma! Maisie and her fiancé Jack just had a beautiful baby girl, Tessa Katherine. But because Maisie's got to go to bar school (the radiographer idea didn't last long, she's training to become a barrister now) she asked me to take care of Tess whilst she's studying. Somehow, cheesy as this sounds, I feel like I've come full circle. Just as I let one of my kids go, I have another one to start over with.Much love from a very happyLaura, Tom, Ben, Dylan, Maisie, Jack and Tessa
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