What is the most favorite time of year for a 16yr old.
a-valentine day, (boy)
b-Spring break, (G/G/G)
c-christmas break,(B/G)
d-summer vacation, (B/G/B)
What is your favorite thing to do on Sunday morning
a-go to church. (B/G/G)
b-sleep till noon (girl)
c-read the paper and drink coffee (G/G)
d-nothing (no kids)
What is your family pet
a-cat (G/B)
b-dog (boy)
c-bird (girl)
d-other-please specify-(B/B/B/G)
What is your fav kind of car
a-Mustang (Boy)
b-VW Bug (G/G)
c-just give me a truck (B/B)
d-dont really have a fav (no kids)
What is your favorite church song
a-Amazing Grace (G/G)
b-Awsome God (girl)
c-Just As I Am (G/G/B)
d-I Surrender All (B/B/B/B)