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i cant find my name
hello i can not find my name anywhere and i have been searching for it for months now it is spelt Ceilidh and is the Gaelic version of Kayleigh (and pronounced the same way) i am aware that there is a dance by the same name and it is a last name on the isle of man but i do not know how these are spelt.
if anyone can help me i would be really grateful.
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Ceilidh is a kind of dance, or dance party. As far as I know, it has nothing to do with Kayleigh, and is not generally used as a name.
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I had never thought of using Ceilidh as a name. Also, i didn't know it was a dance i just thought it was dance party. Ceilidhs are very popular in Scotland and loads of fun. You learn the dances at school from the age of about 7 or 8 i think. The dances are traditional, normal played with a fiddle(violin), accordian etc and generally quite fast. You need alot of energy. I thought i would give you a little extra information about ceilidhs.
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What is the history behind my nickname?
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i want to know what my name means
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Click here: KaylaAnd next time, please do two things:
1. Post your question on your own; don't use another person's thread
2. Please, please search for your name in the Behind the Name database first. This board is only for questions on names that aren't in the database, or if you want more information than is provided in the name's BtN entryMiranda
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Anagrams of Ceilidh KenchCeilidh Kench
Delhi Chicken (yum, yum!)
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wowHow do you see/do those things? Do you have a program, or is it the genius inside of you?!
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Actually it is a program called...Anagram Genius :)
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Ah, forgot the recipe!Delhi Chicken1 teaspoon ground turmeric
1 teaspoon curry powder
1 teaspoon coriander
1/2 teaspoon ground ginger
1/8 teaspoon chili powder -- * pure
black pepper -- to taste
3 tablespoons butter -- or margarine
4 boneless skinless chicken breast halves -- cubed
2 onions -- chopped fine
2 tomatoes -- chopped
2 green bell peppers -- chopped fine
1 celery stalks -- chopped fine
3 parsley sprigs -- minced
2 garlic cloves -- minced
1/3 cup seedless raisins
1 tablespoon dry sherry
1 1/2 teaspoons lemon juice1. Heat two tablespoons butter or margarine in a large skillet. Place
first six ingredients (all the spices) in skillet and brown for 1 minute over high heat.2. Have the chicken breasts boned, skinned and cut into bite-sized cubes. Place chicken in skillet with browned spices; stir to coat well, then brown 1 minute longer or until chicken has turned white on the inside (cut a piece to check). Remove from pan and set aside.3. Add remaining butter to pan and saute onions over high heat until
limp. Add remaining ingredients, including browned chicken, and cook over medium heat until celery is tender but still slightly crisp. Vegetables will give off some juiciness as they cook.Serve over brown rice.
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Wow thanks PavlosI did not know you had a thing for cooking. I will copy/paste this recipe to my digital repertoire :op
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By all means :) Feel free to ask *anything* about Greek cuisine :)
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Yay!I can offer Mexican and Central American cooking help :o)
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