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What does the German (or Old German) female name Genanna / Gnanna mean? Thank you!
I've found this, but it doesn't mention the meaning....!1!!2!!3!~0~USRECORD476

This message was edited 11/8/2004, 10:05 AM

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If it wasn't for your reference, I'd be strongly inclined to suggest that it was a regional combination of Genevieve / Genevra etc & Anna. I can't find anything on Gnanna though. The Gn looks unusual for German, to me. I did find Gnaeus but I doubt there's a connection! :-D
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Well there's gneiss, which is a kind of rock! And I think you get place names starting with Gn in the south - Schwaben and Switzerland and such. But I agree, it does look odd ... if it was a Ger- name, plain sailing! Any chance of bad h andwriting in the records??
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I don't think so, because I have seen it many times, on different people, places, periods... But it had many forms: Gnanna, Genana, and nicknames like Gnendel, Genendil.... It's really strange, uh?
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Sorry, no GENANNA, GANNA, GENANA or anything alike in my books. It doesn't sound German at all to me.Andy ;—)
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It's ok, thanks! :)
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