Off topic fascist digression
You may have heard of Taki Theodoracopulos a snotty and obnoxious Greek columnist-cum-shipping-heir-gone-astray whose political leanings are a bit to the right of Caligula . Taki's only saving grace is his biting sense of humor (he currently writes for New York Press).
At a party, Taki met a left-wing french intellectual lady he hadnt seen for years.
"Bonjour Taki, toujours fasciste?" she said.
"Bonjour ma chere, toujours putain?" Taki replied.
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A Theory on the Name Rhett  ·  Raven  ·  8/26/2001, 2:24 AM
Re: A Theory on the Name Rhett  ·  rhett  ·  5/26/2004, 1:06 PM
Re: A Theory on the Name Rhett  ·  Errol F Rhett  ·  2/19/2002, 8:07 PM
Re: A Theory on the Name Rhett  ·  'Cole  ·  8/27/2001, 5:07 PM
Re: A Theory on the Name Rhett  ·  Daividh  ·  8/26/2001, 8:17 PM
Re: A Theory on the Name Rhett  ·  Gregory Aalto  ·  8/27/2001, 12:56 AM
Re: A Theory on the Name Rhett Gregory's Posting  ·  Raven  ·  8/28/2001, 3:39 AM
Re: A Theory on the Name Rhett Gregory's Posting  ·  Nanaea  ·  8/28/2001, 7:44 AM
P.S.  ·  Nanaea  ·  8/28/2001, 8:09 AM
Re: P.S.  ·  Raven  ·  8/29/2001, 2:29 AM
Re: A Theory on the Name Rhett  ·  Daividh  ·  8/27/2001, 7:58 PM