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Question About A Name
I dont know much about this name and I was wondering if someone could tell me more about it. The name is Zekk. And I know its for guys. But I dont know anything else. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks alot.Jaya
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Jaya Zekk could also be a variation of Zeke (m) which is a short form of Ezekiel .
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Jaya I can't say for sure but Zekk possibly was orginally a nickname for Isacc.
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A google search suggests Zekk is of extraterrestrial origin. Also check out and ask Zekk to control his tension, lest he compromises his generative organs.
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Or it could be a spelling variant of "Zek", which meant "inmate of a Soviet labor camp" [gulag].nkvd
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The best example yet of why one must RTFM. Hahahaha!
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