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Origin and Meaning
I posted this exact message on the "unusual baby names board", I couldn't get much help except to come here.
"I thought coming here I might get some help. I've looked endlessly on the internet for my name (years). I have found some people on ICQ, but they have all told me different answers as to what origin the name is and have no clue of the meaning.
Has anyone heard of "Leita" (Leetuh) I know it's been spelled like Lita, Leta, and other ways, but I am looking for the actual "Leita" and origin and meaning.
Can anyone help?"
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A 'net search revealed that "Leita" can be either the name of an eastern European river, meaning "pours" or "flows"...Or a Lithuanian surname, meaning "slow"...Or a word from a Viking poem meaning "to look for", "to seek". I like this possibility the best. Here's the link: Nanaea
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