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Can anyone help me with the meaning of the name soccorro,
it is female and spanish and there are two towns named after it nad that is all I know.
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"Socorro" is Spanish meaning "assistance; caring". Spanish families give this name to daughters in honor of the Virgin Mary, who is known by the title of "Our Lady of Perpetual Help".-- Nanaea
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Isn't the literal Anglo equivalent "succor"? Not a word that's been used much 'cept for the Bible in the last coupla hundred years. It's understandable that it never developed into an English-language name.- Edgardo
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One more from the book of "Ethnic Names to Avoid When Naming Your Little American Princess"Sukhdeep
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Can't help with the meaning, however, I once knew someone with the same name, Soccorro" in our church youth group. If you're anything like her you are sweet, kind, loving, bright, witty, friendly and loved by many!Mr Roland III
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