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Meaning of the first name "Diancy"
I am looking for help with researching the name Diancy. I was named after my great-great grandmother who was from Kentucky. I've been unsuccessful with tracing the origin of my name. I have found my name often in old family trees from the 1800's, however that is all I've been able to come up with. Any help, suggestions, resources would be greatly appreciated. Thnx--- still looking
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I’m also named Diancy. I haves traced the name to late 1600’s in New York area. There is a hamlet in France named Diancy. My family came from England and my name has been passed down through generations.
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It's also recorded as Diancie. The village doesn't seem a coincidence as Diancy and Dianci are recorded surnames, but the name may be a contraction of something originally longer
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An educated guess would be that "Diancy" may possibly be a form of Denise , which is a French form of the feminization of the Greek name Dionysus . (click on the blue hyperlinks for meanings)There was a "Dionycia" recorded in the Feudal Aids registry in the year 1303, so "Diancy" may be a direct diminutive of that.-- Nanaea
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I think youre on target Nan :)
"Dionycia" or "Dionysia" is actually a bona fide fem version of Dionysus , popular in both ancient and contemporary Greece.
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