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Sescie? Is it a nn??
I am curious if anyone has any information on the name Sescie? (Seh-see) Origin? Is it a nn for something else? We have chosen it for our baby girl because we both love it but we are both curious about the name. I heard this on a reality show on Bravo years ago, (Blow Out, Jonathan Antons fiance's name) She was rarely shown on the show and I heard the name and had to rewind several times to hear what they were calling her. I have done search after search on her and can find nothing about her full name or where she may be from. TIA

This message was edited 2/22/2007, 3:32 PM

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Could it be a variant spelling of Ceci - many possible versions - a nickname for Cecily or Cecilia? Or is it what you thought it would be spelt like, based on what you heard?
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I don't know if it is a nm of Cecily or Cecilia. I found the spelling by doing searches of Jonathan Anton and that is how she spells it. We do like the Sescie spelling and it's what we are going with it. Thanks for the lead!
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