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How do you pronounce Lauren?
I'm confused. Lauren used to be listed on this site as being pronounced "lor-en" and it is now listed on this site as being pronounced "lawr-en." Yet it explains that the name was made popular by Lauren Bacall, who pronounced her name like "lor-en." Also, "loren" seems to me to be the most common pronunciation. How do you pronounce Lauren? Is there anywhere I can look to find out which is the most common pronunciation?

This message was edited 2/22/2007, 3:53 PM

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European way to pronounce, my opinionHi!I would pronounce Lauren with an 'au', just like you pron. the 'ou' in 'house'.
Because to me, it just seems like a variation of the girls name Laura, pronounced like the Italian say: Lau-rah. No drawling 'aw', but a clear 'au'. In English, you say the letter 'A' like 'ey', but it's 'ah' in Italian, German, French, Dutch, Spanish and Portuguese. Majority rules! ;-)This is just my opinion, I have never met a Lauren, but many Lauras, but they where all pronounced the European way.
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I say lor-en. I think that lawr-en is the common pronounciation in America, though.
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I pronounce it Lor-en.
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I see people saying it Lo-ren....I know a girl named Loren which is prn. that way and the other Lauren I know prn. it Law-ren.
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This is my sister's name. Everybody I know calls her "LOR-en." I guess the "LAWR-en" part is for different regions of the English-speaking world. The latter would make more sense, though, because "au" doesn't normally make an "o."
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