Aw, shucks, M'am. 'tweren't nuthin'. :)
Heheh, Challey's still lurkin' here. (HIYA, CHALLEY!) I haven't done anything to her.... yet. I'm still trying to decide. See, I've got to find out a few personal items of info about Challey now, but that's easy enough to do by just placing a few pretend telephone-solicitor calls to her neighbors. It's amazing what information one's neighbors will naively give out to strangers over the phone.
Challey never should've opened up her toilet mouth on ya like that, Andrea. That was a very stupid thing to do. In fact, Challey needs to learn to be more careful when cruisin' the Internet and behaving like a troll.
Because there are far worse things one can "pick up" out here in cyberspace, besides computer viruses.
You readin' this Challey? Of course you are! I can tell even when you're just lurking here. I can seeeeeee you. :)
-- Nanaea