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need info on name Teelan

Have you ever heard of the name Teelan ??? Need to know what
it means , Origins, from what county . this is the link to our
Cassidy tree from 1780 in Cavan but can't find anything before
1780 .
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I found one reference on the 'net to a town of Teelan in County Donegal, Ireland, and many people centuries ago would take their names from the name of the towns in which they lived or from which they came. "Teelan" appears to have been used more as a surname among Irish families.As for the actual meaning of the name, I found the following in *A Dictionary of Surnames* by Patrick Hanks & Flavia Hodges: "Tee" is a variant of "Tye", which means "common pasture" (from the Middle English word, "tye"; from the Old English word, "teag"). I'm guessing as to the rest, but perhaps the "lan" half of the name "Teelan" is a shortened form of the word "land"? Therefore, the name "Teelan" could conceivably mean: "One who came from the pasture land".One more thing, Bern... I see that CheBanana took some time to try to answer your question the first time you posted it. While Che's answer may not have been quite what you were looking for (and I'm not certain that mine is, either), the polite thing to do would be to at least acknowledge Che's effort, with maybe even a "thank you", before posting another inquiry.Just a kindly suggestion, Bern.-- Nanaea
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Burn Cassidy Burn :p
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