How norwegians pronounce Kim?
Could someone help me? I'd like to know if norwegians pronounce Kim (male, nameday: 20.03) as the short variant of english Kimberly or like 'Shim'? Because i think they pronounce 'k' before an 'i' like the english 'sh'... Am i right?
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How norwegians pronounce Kim?  ·  darksoul  ·  10/5/2004, 6:31 AM
Re: How norwegians pronounce Kim?  ·  Lassia  ·  10/5/2004, 9:02 AM
Re: How norwegians pronounce Kim?  ·  sharon  ·  10/22/2004, 12:23 PM
Re: How norwegians pronounce Kim?  ·  katharina  ·  10/5/2004, 7:24 AM
Re: Pre-emptive strike ('cause I'm feelin somewhat misanthropic, today hehe)  ·  Anon. /Obie/ Shamsheer  ·  11/1/2004, 5:26 AM
ROFL, well spotted and well said! :-) nt  ·  Chrisell  ·  10/6/2004, 5:56 AM