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Meaning and pronunciation of Almitra
Hi, can someone tell me the meaning and correct pronunciation of the name Almitra?
PS: What I know about this name is that this is of Parsi origin and is the name of the seeress in "The Prophet".
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I have always pronounced it Al-met-ra Al as in caul I’ve been told many different meanings over the years. The first was Ancient star
The Al - dear mitra - friendThese are the main I es
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Mitra means "(he) that binds", but is also the name of an Indo-Aryan divinity. Originally the god of contracts and oaths, an important position in early Indo-European cosmology, he is later identified as a god of dawn, the (morning) sun, and friendship. Your sources seem to have applied the later attributes as meanings, far from the same thing.
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I do not have the correct reference available to me. But I can give you my opinion. It looks to be pronounced (al-mee-tra). Hopefully I was of some help :)
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