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A question?
I made up a name, Kastaen, and I need an idea of what it could mean. Can anyone help me?Lord of the Rings #1 fan

This message was edited 1/26/2007, 2:58 PM

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If you made it up, you can decide the meaning. It's close to "kastanj", which is the Swedish word for chestnut.
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I googled this word (you should try that first) and it came up with what looked like a lot of Scandinavian/Deutsch sites with the word kastaen in them. Unfortunately, it is just a word so as a name it has no meaning. (Maybe one of our Scandinavian/Deutsch posters could help here, if it is infact scandinavian)
It doesn't mean anything because it is made up, but you could always be like those little Nevaeh lovers and give it some crazy out there meaning that means nothing like "Love of the heavens" or "Angel in the sky" or some such BS like that.
If I were you, I would just forget a meaning. If it is part of a story, you can make up a fictional meaning for the name, but thats not what it will mean in real life.
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Like Agata had mentioned this is a Facts name board so its hard to say for sure what that name could mean since you made it up. However, I will try to be as helpful as I can. I typed in your made up name into the database ofcourse its not going to be in the database but I wanted to see what names would come up in reference to the name Kastaen. These were the names that came up so you might want to look into them for meaning possibly.Costantino
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You made up the name...
This is a facts board.
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