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origin of emanon
In Hollywood, Fla a group of Korean War vets started a social contact net for singles in the late 1950's and called it the Emanon Society, coined by Dudley Hanley as a pun-spin off of various Irish socially oriented organizations. Emanon Society was a 'no formal membership' non political, non religious affiliated party crowd. They ran 'socials', started a disco craze long before the concept disco was ever thought up. The Korean vets brought their own music and sound equiptment to arenas like National Guard Armory's that could accomodate large crowds. The only stipulation they had was to be over age 21 and not be intoxicated when you showed up at the front entrance. They charged a 2 dollar entry fee to cover rental of the arena. Emanon Society had no formal board of directors, no constitution.The name Emanon is actually the words 'no name' spelled backwards and was used because the guys who started the Society couldn't come up with a neutral sounding name other than Emanon. If you ask how come I have all these details is because the original organizer was my brother who was 6 years older than me, and to really piss me off they disbanded the whole set up a short time before I turned 21. Actually the real reason they disbanded was that all 10 of the guys who started the Emanon Society got married to women they met at these socials and these women wouldn't allow the guys to attend the socials , so they just threw in the towel much to my dismay.
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My father was affiliated with the Emanon. He was a Woeld War II veteran and African American. They would have jazz set at their events.
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Thank you, this was interesting. I was searching the origin of the name and came across this.
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