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This is a name in our family that I would like to use, however, the meaning of it is not my favorite. So far, all the websites have stated it is Scottish, and means "crooked nose". Is that how Scottish people identify different clans... by physical traits? Are there any other meanings out there for Cameron?
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The name of the highland clan in Scotland is indeed from Gaelic camshron,, "hooked nose." But not all Scots whose surname is Cameron are members of the highland clan. According to Reaney & Wilson's A Dictionary of Surnames, some lowland Scots with the surname Cameron derive it from a place name in the county of Fife, and according to Hanks & Hodges's A Dictionary of Surnames that place name meant "bent hill".
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Thanks so much for the info. At least I can tell my child when they are born that a hooked nose isn't the only definition. Thanks for all the effort and research!
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