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Two Female names
I have these two names written in my name journal but i don't remember where i got them. they are real names and they are female but they arent in this database, if you have any info on them please share.
CalligeniaThank you!
It is no more at all. Nor is the earth the
lesse or loseth aught. For whatsoever
from one place doth fall is with the tide
unto another brought. For there is
nothing lost that
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Adriel is male, definitely. It means, if I remember well, "G-d's herd".
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You can check out some info on Calligenia/Kalligeneia here:'ve actually known Hispanic males by the name of Adriel. I'm not so sure of it's true origin though.

This message was edited 12/31/2006, 12:22 AM

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Working from first principles, Calligenia looks like a Greek name (or, at least a potential Greek name constructed from existing name-parts; I don't know if it's legit).If it is a Greek name, it would mean "born beautiful", from kallos "beautiful" and genes "born". C/f the 'Calli' in Calliope and the 'genia' in Iphigenia (click links).Adriel looks like a male Hebrew name, but I can't help any more than that.
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Yep, Adriel's a male Hebrew name. I knew a man named Adriel. The name was in the bible as the husband of Merav. It means flock of god from eder - flock/herd and el - god.This is if it's spelled with an ayin, like in the bible, but I've heard of it starting with an aleph, and in that case I have no idea what it means, and people don't misspell names here :/

This message was edited 1/3/2007, 8:53 AM

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