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CYPRIANUS: Go behind behind the name
Cyprianus as this site says definitely once came from Cyprus. But what does the name of the island mean? I know that "copper" is derived from the name of the island, and I found a Greek word "kyperos" (some spice plant) but no hint whether this has anything to do with Cyprus.
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CYPRIANUS: The love story behind the nameThe island of Cyprus most likely got its name from the plant you refer to, i.e., the henna shrub which is plentiful in the island. The plant is known as "Kypros" or "kypeiros" in classical Greek. Cyprian is related with Cyprus via the name "Kypris" or "Cypris" (meaning "from Cyprus") which was one of Aphrodite's names. When Cronus castrated his dad's (Uranus) doodads and threw them in the sea at his mom's (Gaea) request, the Goddess of Love Aphrodite emerged from the froth by the shores of Paphos, Cyprus. Hence, Cypris. But I digress.
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Thank you, Pavlos! Thank you also for digressing! Very interesting, very usefull!Andy ;—)
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Also, I seem to recall that in the Middle Ages the alchemists connected copper with Venus the planet; this seems bizarre if you don't factor in the Cyprus connection, because Venus the planet appears whitish, and mars is actually more coppery in colour - they explained it as blood shed in war.
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Thanks for this bit! Venus from the copper island - this makes sense.Andy ;—)
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