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Is Mathilde only pro. as Ma-TILD, or can it also be pro. as Matilda? I love the name, but think that Mathilde is prettier, but I like the Matilda pro. better! I know Mathilde is French, but I also thought it was German as well? No? Any info appreciated.
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Yes, Mathilde is German as well. Here it is pronounced Ma-TIL-deh.Andy ;—)
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That is what I thought! However, it is listed on this sight only as being French pro. Ma-TILD!
Now I'm happy! I love the pro. Ma-TIL-deh & the spelling Mathilde!
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I'm glad I made you smile!Andy ;—)P.S.: I'm not quite sure, but I think the name is originally German and it was only later that it was taken to France. The original German name was Mechthild.
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