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I was wondering if anyone knows how to pronounce the Irish name Ceibhfhionn? I really love the meaning and the fact she was the Irish goddess of inspiration but I can't work out how to say it.Any help would be much appreciated :)Thank you!
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Everywhere i've seen says it's KAY-vun.
This is actually the name we've picked for our daughter.
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i think it's Ceevfion like CEE-vfee-ohn
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No-the "fh" sound is silent in Irish.
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I have never heard this name before but I would say CAVE-vhin. Long a in the first syllabyl.
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If I am interpreting the pronunciation guide in O Corrain & Maguire's Irish Names correctly, it would be something like "CAVE-un" -- or in other words, like Americans say Kevin except with the "long A" vowel sound in the first syllable.
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Thank you so much!
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