Corrections and "Objections" (sorta)
Okay now.Starting with corrections:"The Two Gentlemen of Verona"
Lance should be Launce (m, *Two Gentlemen*)"Taming of the Shrew"
Petruccio should be Petruchio (m, *Taming*)
Licio should be Litio (m, *Taming*, Hortensio)
Vicentio should be Vincentio (m, *Taming*)
I couldn't find Nathaniel , Philip , Joseph , Peter or Nicholas mentioned (but it might have been me research)"Henry VI, Part I"
Glasdale should be Glansdale (Sir William , m, *Henry VI*)
Fastolf should be Falstaff (Sir John , m, *Henry VI*)
Woodville was John Woodville (perhaps Woodeville, m, *Henry VI*)
Rene (fada on last e) was Reignier (m, *Henry VI*)
Joan la Pucelle was Joan de Pucelle (f, *Henry VI*)"Henry VI, Part II"
Cardinal Beaufort was Cardinal Henry Beaufort (m, *Henry VI*)
Old Lord Clifford was Thomas , Lord Clifford (m, *Henry VI*)
Young Clifford was John , Young Clifford (m, *Henry VI*)
Which was "Crookback Richard "?
John Hume wasn't a knight, but a priest (m, *Henry VI*)
Margery Jordan was Margery Jourdain (f, *Henry VI*)
Simon Simpcox should be Saunder Simpcox (m, *Henry VI*)
Emmanuel wasn't mentioned in the copy of the play I found
Lord Saye was actually Sir James Fiennes, Lord Say (m, *Henry VI*)
Lord Scales was Lord Thomas Scales (m, *Henry VI*)
Matthew Gough was Matthew Goffe (m, *Henry VI*)"Henry VI, Part III"
Lord Clifford was Lord John Clifford (m, *Henry VI*)
Lord Stafford wsa Lord Humphrey Stafford (m, *Henry VI*)
Somerville should be Somervile (m, *Henry VI*)
Henry was which one (Henry Percy ? Henry Beaufort? The Earl of Richmond?) (m, *Henry VI*)
Was Edward the Earl of March? (m, *Henry VI*)
Earl Rivers was Anthony Woodeville, Lord Rivers (m, *Henry VI*)
King Louis was Louis XI
I couldn't find Lord Bourbon in my copy"Titus Andronicus"
Sempronius was Semptronius (m, *Titus *)"Richard III"
Anthony Woodville was Anthony Woodeville (m, *Richard III*)
William was Sir William Brandon (m, *Richard III*)
John was John Morton (m, *Richard III*)
Christopher was Christopher Urswick (m, *Richard III*)"Love 's Labour's Lost"
Biron was Berowne (m, *Love 's*)
Longueville was Longaville (m, *Love 's*)
Mote was Moth (m, *Love 's*)
Catherine was Katharine or Katherine (can't read my note here) (f, *Love 's*)
Sir Nathaniel was merely Nathaniel (m, *Love 's*)
Dull's first name isn't really mentioned in the play (m, *Love 's*)
Mercade (e-fada) didn't have the "fada", just plain e (m, *Love 's*)"A Midsummer Night's Dream"
Mote was Moth (m, *Midsummer Night's*)
Okay, now with what I've found: "The Tempest " King Alonso m, *The Tempest *
Sebastian m, *The Tempest *
Prospero m, *The Tempest *
Antonio m, *The Tempest *
Ferdinand m, *The Tempest *
Gonzalo m, *The Tempest *
Adrian m, *The Tempest *
Fransisco m, *The Tempest *
Caliban m, *The Tempest *
Trinculo m, *The Tempest *
Stephano m, *The Tempest *
Miranda f, *The Tempest *
Ariel f/n, *The Tempest *
Iris f, *The Tempest *
Ceres f, *The Tempest *
Juno f, *The Tempest * "Corolanus" Caius Marcius Coriolanus m, *Coriolanus*
Titus Lartius m, *Coriolanus*
Cominius m, *Coriolanus*
Menenius Agrippa m, *Coriolanus*
Sicinius Velutus m, *Coriolanus*
Junius Brutus m, *Coriolanus*
Young Marcius m, *Coriolanus*
Nicanor m, *Coriolanus*
Tullus Anfidius m, *Coriolanus* (Check this one, please)
Adrian m, *Coriolanus*
Volumnia f, *Coriolanus*
Virgilia f, *Coriolanus*
Valeria f, *Coriolanus* "Macbeth" (*the Kilted Play*, the Unmentioned One*) King Duncan m, *Macbeth*
Malcolm m, *Macbeth*
Donalbain m, *Macbeth*
Macbeth m, *Macbeth*
Banquo m, *Macbeth*
Macduff m, *Macbeth*
Lennox m, *Macbeth*
Ross m, *Macbeth*
Menteith m, *Macbeth*
Angus m, *Macbeth*
Caithness m, *Macbeth*
Fleance m, *Macbeth*
Siward m, *Macbeth*
Young Siward m, *Macbeth*
Seyton m, *Macbeth*
Lady Macbeth f, *Macbeth*
Lady Macduff f, *Macbeth*
Hecate f, *Macbeth*
The Weird Sisters f, *Macbeth* "King Lear" King Lear m, *King Lear*
Edgar m, *King Lear*
Edmund m, *King Lear*
Curan m, *King Lear*
Oswald m, *King Lear*
Gonaril f, *King Lear*
Regan f, *King Lear*
Cordelia f, *King Lear* "Othello The Moor Of Venice" Othello m, *Othello*
Brabantio m, *Othello*
Cassio m, *Othello*
Iago m, *Othello*
Roderigo m, *Othello*
Montano m, *Othello*
Lodavico m, *Othello*
Gratiano m, *Othello*
Desdemona f, *Othello*
Emilia f, *Othello*
Bianca f, *Othello* "Romeo and Juliet " Prince Escalus m, *Romeo and Juliet *
Paris m, *Romeo and Juliet *
Montague m, *Romeo and Juliet *
Capulet m, *Romeo and Juliet *
Romeo m, *Romeo and Juliet *
Mercutio m, *Romeo and Juliet *
Benvolio m, *Romeo and Juliet *
Tybalt m, *Romeo and Juliet *
Friar Laurence m, *Romeo and Juliet *
Friar John m, *Romeo and Juliet *
Balthasar m, *Romeo and Juliet *
Abram m, *Romeo and Juliet *
Sampson m, *Romeo and Juliet *
Gregory m, *Romeo and Juliet *
Peter m, *Romeo and Juliet *
Lady Montague f, *Romeo and Juliet *
Lady Capulet f, *Romeo and Juliet *
Juliet f, *Romeo and Juliet * "The Rape of Lucrece" (True, this is not a play, but why not?) Lucius Tarquinius m, *The Rape of Lucrece*
Servius Tullius m, *The Rape of Lucrece*
Sextus Tarquinius m, *The Rape of Lucrece*
Collatinus m, *The Rape of Lucrece*
Junius Brutus m, *The Rape of Lucrece*
Publius Valerius m, *The Rape of Lucrece*
Lucretia (or Lucrece) f, *The Rape of Lucrece*Sorry this posting's so fooking long. :DPhyllis (aka Sidhe Uaine or Gaia Euphoria)
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Question about the nature namesakes on  ·  Selwyn  ·  6/15/2001, 6:46 PM
Re: Question about the nature namesakes on  ·  Mike C  ·  6/15/2001, 7:21 PM
Shakespeare's "Logical Names for Twins"?  ·  Nanaea  ·  6/16/2001, 5:40 AM
Interesting (nt)  ·  Selwyn  ·  6/16/2001, 7:16 AM
Great!  ·  Selwyn  ·  6/15/2001, 7:33 PM
Re: Great!  ·  Phyllis  ·  6/15/2001, 9:15 PM
Oops!  ·  Phyllis  ·  6/15/2001, 9:17 PM
Not at all how about this (txt)  ·  Selwyn  ·  6/16/2001, 7:31 AM
Re: Not at all how about this (txt)  ·  Phyllis  ·  6/20/2001, 12:08 AM
The Two Gentlemen of Verona  ·  Selwyn  ·  6/16/2001, 7:40 AM
Continued  ·  Selwyn  ·  6/16/2001, 9:28 AM
Hey Selwyn!  ·  Phyllis  ·  6/21/2001, 11:46 AM
*Smiles*  ·  Selwyn  ·  6/22/2001, 3:48 PM
Corrections and "Objections" (sorta)  ·  Phyllis  ·  6/22/2001, 11:01 PM
Thanks Phyllis  ·  Selwyn  ·  6/28/2001, 5:42 PM
A Note on the offer  ·  Selwyn  ·  6/15/2001, 7:11 PM