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Origin of the name Brondon
I have searched the internet and cannot find the origin of my name. Can anyone help me out?
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How old are you? What nationality are your parents? Have you asked them how they came to name you this? It looks like a modern creation blending Bronson and Brandon, but we need more information to be sure.
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I am 36.
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Thank you for your response!!I am a second generation American. My Mothers side of the family came from Lithuania or Czechoslovakia. My mother was actually not sure. My grandma use to say that she spoke Lugan?? My Father's side of the family were French American. My Father named me. Unfortunately, none survive. I have seen the name on a few French sites that say it is a rare masculine name. I think there are five with the name in France. I've seen a couple of other men in the states with this name on the internet. Is it perhaps a rare French or Slavic name?
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