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Something interesting about the name Isa
In Dhivehi, Isa (spelled that way and pronounced Eee-sa) means Jesus. Just thought that was interesting.

This message was edited 9/22/2004, 3:11 PM

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It's also a short form of Isaac, I believe.
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I don't know about Dvivehi, but Isa is certainly the Turkish and generally Muslim variant of Jesus. Confirmed by those fairly accurate sites:[A Muslim variant of Jesus might look like a contradiction, but actually Islam recognizes Jesus as a prophet, though they consider him a minor one]

This message was edited 9/22/2004, 4:17 PM

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Intersting indeed - but what kind of language is Dhivehi?Ignorant Andy ;—)
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Divehi is the official language of the Maldives. It's a Dravidian language.
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Thanxalot! Andy ;—
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