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What are the altenative spellings of Condoleezza ?
Just kidding.
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My grandmother would have known alternate spellings for the name "Condoleezza". For my grandmother was a wise woman from the mountains of Urgomontanyakatori. Ah, how I recall the many evenings we small ones would gather 'round Grandmother's campfire, which she would start on the carpet of her room at the nursing home, and listen to Grandmother tell us the stories behind such charming Old World names as "Arugala", "Drusippishkel", and "Bubba". I'm sure I remember Grandmother once mentioning the name "Condoleezza". Or, was it "Kondolitza"? Or maybe it was "Kaaaaarrrrgh!"...? Grandmother was always making odd sounds like that, as she abstractedly munched on the mice she would catch running between her feet at the nursing home. Perhaps such peculiar, mouse-chewing sounds are the source of many alternate name spellings? It is something to ponder on.Hey... Didn't Daividh say he'd be back today?-- Nanaea
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Why, here he is now. Actually, Condoleezza may derive from the old Latin surname Condominimum, which meant "we live in a very small apartment, but at least we get the mortgage tax deduction".An alternate modern spelling is Ccoonnddoolleezzaa (used by one of the Doublemint Twins).
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The plot once again thickens: Did the critters your granny mouse-masticate include muskrats?
Daividh should be back, assuming he has culminated his CondoLeasing in KY.
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The plot once again thickens: Did the critters your granny mouse-masticate include muskrats?@@@@ Nope. Granny just liked chewin' on mice, and they were real easy for Granny to catch. That's because mice are naturally attracted to old folks -- old folks smell like cheese! (I'm obnoxious as well as evil.)Daividh should be back, assuming he has culminated his CondoLeasing in KY.@@@@ You keep talking about naughty things like "condoleasing in KY" and you're gonna get the Hecate-hatin' Baptists after you. :)-- Nanaea
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…which probably explains the high incidence of gerontophile cannibalistic activities
in the Camembert and Roquefort regions of France...
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"…which probably explains the high incidence of gerontophile cannibalistic activities
in the Camembert and Roquefort regions of France..."You know, with thoughts like that in your head, there might be a bright future for you at :)-- Nanaea
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Thanks for Brightening my sunday morning, Nanaea! I can only reciprocate by by brightening yours:
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Thanks for Brightening my sunday morning, Nanaea!@@@@ Hey, don't mention it! :)I can only reciprocate by brightening yours: "O brave new world, that has such Christians in it..." This could keep me busy for HOURS! Wheeeeee! :D-- Nanaea
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And now for something REALLY offensive...My first reaction at the NormalBobSmith site was to chuckle at its cheekiness. But when I found out the bunny slippers would really stay on (as I imagine would the - shudder! - sports bra), I became increasingly offended. And I don't offend easily.If someone had put up a "Where's Wahib?" picture (find the bespectacled and stripe-doo-ragged wounded Palestinian teenager among heaps of "normal" wounded Pal teenagers) or anything whimsical involving Jewish deathcamp inmates, there would have been indignation all over the Net. But put the crucified Jesus in a dogcatcher's outfit and it's funny? Sorry - well beyond my limits.The "clonejesus" site, on the other hand, is a hoot. The premise is ludicrous: somewhere among the many holy relics purporting to be of Jesus are some with "authentic" DNA. So what are we gonna do? Clone 'em all, the Good, the bad, and the ugly? And are there really that many virgins left to implant?Consider hundreds of juvenile JC types, real and wannabe. How do we recognize the real thing? Watch for a halo? Monitor their Wood Shop grades? Try to cajole them into turning water into Juicy Juice? Or just wait til they're 30?And what if we clone the "real" Jesus two or three times from different relics? Worse, what do we do with the rejects? (We don't need more fake Saviors. We've already got Benny Hinn.) Maybe a live tableau of the last 10 minutes of "Spartacus"?Is a puzzlement.
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Fired up my search engines to see who Benny Hinn is, and accidentally ran across what is IMHO the funniest true name of clergyman(or anyone else for thet matter!):*Cadinal Sin* of the Phillippines (a friend of Benny Hinn).
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Cardinal Sin, whom I believe is the Archbishop of Manila and therefore head RC dude in the Philippines (sp?), is probably devout but unremarkable except for his admittedly-great name.Hope your elation over this find didn't prevent you from actually getting to Benny Hinn. Very distinctive fellow, with the German accent, amazing two-toned grey hair, and palm whacks in the head to heal the devoted. Oh, and have I asked you for money in the last 90 seconds?Probably the worst turnoff to prospective Christians since Billy James Hargis, the TV evangelist of the 70's who apparently consorted indiscrimately with the young female AND male members of his "All American Kids" choir. Not that Mr. Hinn, thank Gawd, is of that stripe...Do you have TV evangelists in the Greek Orthodox tradition? How about TV Sibyls?
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There was an attempt by US Evangelists to set up a local TV station, but it was met with total indifference and eventually went out of business. Thankfully the Greek Orthodox tradition does not share a lot of the prudish aspects found elsewhere: priests do marry (but not between themselves), stuff like abortion are not considered political issues, and the only "dryness" priests advocate are Martinis. We obviously do have fringe fanatics who demonstrate against bar-codes and credit cards because they are supposed to embedded with the number 666. Fortunately there have been no wannabe-Messiahs running miracle mills for sex and profit.
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Clone Alone IV?My first reaction at the NormalBobSmith site was to chuckle at its cheekiness. But when I found out the bunny slippers would really stay on (as I imagine would the - shudder! - sports bra), I became increasingly offended. And I don't offend easily.@@@@ I, too, have to admit that the bunny slippers made me cringe a bit. But then, I have a phobia about rodents clinging to the feet of moribund people. I blame my Granny for that.If someone had put up a "Where's Wahib?" picture (find the bespectacled and stripe-doo-ragged wounded Palestinian teenager among heaps of "normal" wounded Pal teenagers) or anything whimsical involving Jewish deathcamp inmates, there would have been indignation all over the Net. But put the crucified Jesus in a dogcatcher's outfit and it's funny? Sorry - well beyond my limits.@@@@ I suspect there is no limit to tastelessness on the 'net. But perhaps there is something about the way that a lot (not all, mind you, but a lot) of Christianity is practiced here in America, that begs for the Normal Bob Smiths of this world. I have to admit, though, I think a dress-up Pat Robertson would have been funnier. ;)The "clonejesus" site, on the other hand, is a hoot. The premise is ludicrous: somewhere among the many holy relics purporting to be of Jesus are some with "authentic" DNA. So what are we gonna do? Clone 'em all, the Good, the bad, and the ugly? And are there really that many virgins left to implant?@@@@ We Satanists have dibs on all the virgins left in this country. We're using the Harry Potter phenomenon to draw in young recruits. See for yourself: hundreds of juvenile JC types, real and wannabe. How do we recognize the real thing? Watch for a halo? Monitor their Wood Shop grades? Try to cajole them into turning water into Juicy Juice? Or just wait til they're 30?

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A pythonesque plot twist:
Two JCs are thrown in a boxing ring by a cloned Pilate and forced confront each other. As they are bona fide clones however, they end up engaging in an endless loop of turning the other cheek to each other.
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"...they end up engaging in an endless loop of turning the other cheek to each other."And here I thought we'd seen the last of the lead-in's for more "KY" humor...-- Nanaea
(Keeping both "cheeks" firmly planted in my chair...)
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The bunny slippers part also surpassed Mrs Che's tolerance threshold, and she is actually training our 7-month daughter to pull off the modem cord whenever I'm caught online.
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For that act alone, Nephele may be up for the Nobel Peace Prize.
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Behind the Name: CondoleezzaThe CheBanana Tree just generated the following anagrams for “National Security Advisor Condoleezza Rice”:Vandalize or eroticize accursed loony saint?
Crazed, overzealous, idiotical cretin annoys.
Inanely satanize crazed virtuoso crocodile.
Overzealous Nazis croon delicate rancidity.
Tiny erection dazzles avaricious canoodler.
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