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What is the meaning of this name, if any?
I never heard of the name Dressden. It can be for a boy or girl and I'm African American. I met a female and her name was Dressden. I said if I have another child I would name him or her Dressden. So that why I'm tring to find out the meaning behind the name.Thanks,Traci
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Small, enclosed space in which one puts on one's clothes.
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[...Etwa zur gleichen Zeit siedelten sich im Elbtal der aus Böhmen stammende Stamm der Nisani an und gründeten links der Elbe das Dorf Drezdany, was Sumpf- oder Auenlandbewohner bedeutet....]the above text is taken from the following website: translated, the city Dresden (Drezdany in history), was stated by the Nisani (people from Bohemia) in the Elbe river valley. Drezdany means 'people living in the swamps (or 'wetlands')'. So, i don't know where you have your meaning from, but it must be a made-up try. Dress is indeed 'clothes', but in this case unrelated.
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Dresden is also an expensive brand of porcelain from Dresden Germany.
As a first name, I have seen it used in the US, pretty much as a nouveau-riche alternative to Tiffany.
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What does my last name mean? Sonnier
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Dresden in a place in Germany.
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Dressden!!! That's a city in Germany. That's all that I know about Dressden.- Charlie
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