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Meaning of pramatha
Hi there,I searched extensively in the web for the meaning of the word pramatha, As I have decided to keep the name for my daughter.In vedas it is explained as the person who can read vedas.
Few people say that it means 'to bring forth by friction' which is fire which lead to the prometheus in greek.
Others say it means tormentor. And few others say that it is daimones under shiva.So can someone please help me in getting the exact meaning as I like that name very much.Regards,
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Meaning of pramatha  ·  Santosh  ·  10/7/2006, 4:04 PM
Re: Meaning of pramatha  ·  Arjun Rao Madas  ·  3/3/2018, 12:30 AM
Re: Meaning of pramatha  ·  তন্ময় ভট  ·  10/7/2006, 10:03 PM