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Blandine's meaning and origin?
My french teacher's name is Blandine, it is a female name. I think it is a french name, but my teacher told me it is actually from latin. So please tell me which is correct? As for the meaning, my teacher isn't sure about it, and anyone knows, please help me!!!
Thank you so much. ^v^
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Blandus is a Latin word meaning "sweet, charming, winsome, flattering." It is attested as a Roman cognomen. Blandinus/Blandina would be masculine/feminine derivatives, respectively; the latter becomes Blandine in French. The name is in use because of Saint Blandine of Lyons, said to have been martyred in 177.Blandine is thus a French version of a Latin name. Nothing surprising there: the French language is an offshoot of Latin! ;-)
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Wow~~Thank you so much^^,your response has given me detailed information, I'd really appreciate it!
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