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pronouncing Anika/Annika the Slovak/Czech way
In the archives, I found several postings regarding how people would pronounce the name "Annika" in Scandanavia or the US. Supposedly, "Anika" is also Czech/Slovak and I would like to know how this name would be pronounced in those nations. AH-knee-kah or AH-ni-kah? Thanks!
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pronouncing Anika/Annika the Slovak/Czech way  ·  Naomi Levin  ·  9/19/2006, 1:11 AM
Re: pronouncing Anika/Annika the Slovak/Czech way  ·  anii  ·  9/21/2006, 6:16 AM
Re: pronouncing Anika/Annika the Slovak/Czech way  ·  lizka  ·  9/22/2006, 12:26 AM