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Do any of you remember that television show for children with the little boy named Caillou? I have looked for the name to see if it is legit and has a history, but I can't seem to find it in any databases. Can anyone help me with the meaning, history, etc.? I don't know the ethnic background but I am pretty sure that the gender is male, although there could be a female version I just don't know.
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I failed to make the obvious point that Pierre, the French equivalent of Peter (and this was a French language series, I believe) is also the common and garden word for stone. If this character was seen as a small version of Pierre, then Caillou (pebble) would be a predictable nickname.
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Caillou is "little stone" in French. It isn't a name, just a common word.
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In other words, Rocky?
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Actually, "Pebbles" would be a closer translation ;)
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Ah, but Pebbles Flintstone - the cute toddler with a bone in her hair - is a girl, and Caillou appears to be a boy. As for Petros, in Morfydd's post, I used to pat myself on the back for naming my son Peter when he was in his heavy metal teenage phase. Rock, for sure!
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Names that gather no moss ;)
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Proud daughter of Ann and John
Proud sister of Lauren and Leah
Proud wife of David
Proud mother of Alexander, Scarlett, Sophia, and Gideon
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I agree that Pebble would be a closer translation, but at the same time it occurs to me that the whole idea could be derived from Petros, or Peter, meaning a rock. He could be a small version of Peter!
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ChrisellAll we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us. - J.R.R. Tolkien.
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