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Schuyler pronunciation?
How is this surname really pronounced? Is it something like sky-ler or is it more like shoo-ler? Are both wrong?
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As in Skylab
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Dutch pronunciation:The Ducth pronunciation is very difficult to convey in writing, because it contains two sound that English doesn't have. Let me try anyway:SKHUY-lurThe KH is meant as a Dutch G, similar to the Scottish CH in 'loch'
The UY has as symbol in the phonetic alphabet the: œy. In my experience most foreigners trying to learn Dutch tend to say OU (like in 'house') to this particular sound. I can best describe it as being sort of in between OU and UY. Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
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Schuyler is a Dutch surname and in the USA it is normally pronounced "sky-ler".
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I know it to be prn. Sky-ler. I do know someone with a surname which is prn. SHOO-ler, but it is spelled Schuler. Britney Tamber
*DH: Adam Jeffrey*
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I say SKY-ler.
R.I.P. Steve Irwin
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