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This seems like a 20th century name to me: does anyone know if it was used any earlier?Also, if you click on Samantha you get: Perhaps intended to be a feminine form of SAMUEL, using the popular name suffix -antha.Are there any other names, that I must have missed, using the popular suffix -antha? Anthea, yes (though not a suffix) - but apart from a very ghastly movie I saw long ago that was a GWTW spinoff and had a heroine called Amantha, I've never encountered it.And, are there any other fem forms of Samuel? Would it be possible to feminise it in Hebrew?Thanks!
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Samantha  ·  Anneza  ·  9/6/2006, 4:06 AM
More "anthe" names  ·  Pavlos  ·  9/7/2006, 3:13 AM
Re: More "anthe" names  ·  Anneza  ·  9/7/2006, 10:50 PM
Re: More "anthe" names  ·  Pavlos  ·  9/7/2006, 11:22 PM
Re: Samantha  ·  Miranda  ·  9/6/2006, 3:04 PM
Re: Samantha  ·  Cleveland Kent Evans  ·  9/6/2006, 8:04 AM
Re: Samantha  ·  Domhnall  ·  9/27/2006, 9:42 AM
Re: Samantha  ·  Anneza  ·  9/7/2006, 1:27 AM
Re: Samantha  ·  Summer  ·  9/6/2006, 6:56 AM
Re: Samantha  ·  Anneza  ·  9/6/2006, 11:08 PM
Re: Samantha  ·  Lauren B  ·  9/6/2006, 5:16 AM