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Middle Names
When did modern, western society start using middle names and Why?
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I'm coming to this late, but it seems that most early middle names, when they occurred, would've been patronymic (father's) names or maybe clan or family names, like in China, separate from the surnames.The only direct research I've done that bears on this is in Scotland, where middle names were uncommon among the working classes until mid/late Victorian times, except as ways to honor beloved (or rich) relatives or flatter the local laird with a baby who bore his name tucked in the middle.Someone mentioned that middle names arose to distinguish persons who otherwise bore the same name. True, but when people still lived in the same villages for centuries (say, to 1860) and the whole family was known to most, the solution was "by-names", which were informal descriptive nicknames. Middle names for this purpose were probably only necessary when people migrated to cities where the family was less well-known and where formal registration of various sorts was required.
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I have two beautiful children--Terrell Anthony,6 and Tamia Janell,10 mos.
I have just decided to change my daughter's name to TIMMIA, but I don't exactly know what new middle name to give her. PLEASE HELP!1
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Reasons vary according to culture. For example in parts of the Mediterranean region the father's name becomes the child's middle name.
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I think becasue if two or more people in a certain location have the same first and last name.....they need the middle name to fall back on...its happened to me several times before. My name is so common all over the world. My name is Ashley Johnson. Now think about how many other people out there has the same!
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we know someone called john smith!!! how popular would THAT be?!
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Just a bit too thinkin more along the lines of a guy named John Dallapiazza.....something pretty uncommon!!
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Something else I remembered -- Catholics typically are given a saint's name to wear in the middle from the time they are confirmed (?). Don't know how far back this practice goes, but it could have been the basis for the use of a middle name for many people back when.
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One of my old teachers was called John Smith... it must be the most boring name ever!
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Not if you were Pocahontas or on the Titanic.
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