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How is this and Berengaria pronounced??Thanks.
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Berengère - beh-ren-ZHAIR
Berengaria - beh-ren-GAH-ree-ah (not sure, though)
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I would say beh-raWn (with the French "an", "en" sound) -zhair for Bérengère :)
~~ Claire ~~
My ! are Alia, Eidel, Enola, Israel, Dudel, Yuri, Lina, Lorelei, Leilani, Owen, Julian, Glorinda, Mirinda
My ? are Hillel, Meshullam, Johnny, Ginny, Cordelia, Fiammetta, Yocheved
My ~ are Tehila, Tilda, Hailey, Gillian, Huldah
My / are Aglaia and July

This message was edited 9/5/2006, 5:11 PM

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